
Enforcing policies on GCP with Forseti

Primary LanguageHCL

install 101


  • Create a free sendgrid account from the GCP marketplace, copy the sendgrid API key and save it somewhere safe
  • A G-Suite domain for G-suite features
  • create a bucket to store the terraform state


  • Init projet variable in env-var from env-var-sample and load them with source env-var
  • run terraform init, this will load the dependency and forsetti source which is used for other scripts and the rest of the deployment
  • Run script in script-pre this will init the nat gateway for a private ip deployement and provision the accounts and iam permission
  • Init terraform.tfvars from terraform.tfvars.sample
  • run terraform apply

post install config

  • Create a source id in security command center
  • setup all the necessary variable in forseti_conf_server.yaml -- API key -- emails and domaines -- bucket adresses
  • upload the file to the server bucket in /configs
  • run script-post.sh
  • edit backend.tf with the bucket you created for terraform state and uncomment the lines
  • run terraform apply
  • ssh into the forseti server compute instance
  • run /home/ubuntu/forseti-security/install/gcp/scripts/run_forseti.sh to force config reload and a first run

clean up

  • terraform destroy
  • run clean.sh