
TF courses

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Terraform courses


  • Install tfenv to manage terraform versions.
  • Then you need TF v.1.2.2 tfenv install 1.2.2 && tfenv use 1.2.2.
  • Install make to execute Makefiles: sudo apt-get install --reinstall make. Refer to troubleshooting section.
  • Install terragrunt via brew install terragrunt.

Simple Local Terraform Resource

The folder simple_local_terraform_resource contains a minimal Terraform project using the hashicorp/local provider to provision a simple .txt file.

Local Terraform Resource with Input and Output variables

The folder input_n_output_variables contains a minimal Terraform project using input and output variables to provision and read from a local Terraform .txt provisioned file.

Based on: https://learn.hashicorp.com/collections/terraform/gcp-get-started.

Manage Complex Configurations with Terraform Modules

The folder terraform_modules contains a minimal Terraform project to learn how to structure Terraform with modules. A module is a set of Terraform configuration files in a single directory (directory considered as the root module). You can see them as a librarie or package.

Most commonly, modules use:

  • input variables to accept values from calling modules.
  • output values to return results to the calling module, that can be use to populate arguments elsewhere.
  • resources to define infrastructure objects that the module will manage.

Based on: https://www.terraform.io/language/modules/develop

Manage Complex Terraform Local Resources

The folder complex_local_terraform_module contains a terraform project making use of a couple of nice tricks:

  • Using locals variables
  • Mapping between locals variables and variables
  • Using 3 different workspace environments: dev, staging and prod
  • Having dynamic part of the code managed by ternary operators
  • Using the count meta-argument to instanciate similar resources
  • Using for_each to instanciate a couple of resources sharing the same definition block
  • Defining output variables with preconditions

Read your Terraform configuration from a json file

The folder terraform_resource_json contains a terraform project matching the following requirements:

  • Reading variables from .tfvars and .tfvars.json variable definition files
  • Interpolating those variables in variables.tf
  • Using locals to parametrise some of those variables e.g. content_path
  • Defining the file's content based on another file via the file() method
  • Generating several local_file in one block with the use of for_each meta-argument

Manage Terraform with Terragrunt to keep your configuration dry

The folder terragrunt_resources_after contains a terraform project making use of terragrunt to keep your configuration dry. For comparision purpose, terragrunt_resources_before contains the terraform project equivalent before its migration toward terragrunt.

Terragrunt allows to:

  • keep your terraform backend (tool allowing to share your terraform state in a shared location) dry.
  • keep your provider configuration dry.
  • keep your terraform CLI arguments dry e.g. not need to specify -var-file=params.tfvars anymore.

More here: https://terragrunt.gruntwork.io/docs/getting-started/quick-start/#keep-your-terraform-cli-arguments-dry

Troubleshooting Makefile

Having a Bash environment

If you are on Windows, think about installing WSL Ubuntu for VSC. See: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/remote/wsl.

My Makefile is not working!

I am using a W10 environment with Bash for Ubuntu for W10. Try re-installing makefile:

sudo apt-get install --reinstall make
echo 'export PATH="/usr/bin/make:$PATH"' > ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile
which make

If the make command is still not found:

  • Go to ezwinports, https://sourceforge.net/projects/ezwinports/files/
  • Download make-4.2.1-without-guile-w32-bin.zip (get the version without guile)
  • Extract zip
  • Copy the contents to C:\ProgramFiles\Git\mingw64\ merging the folders, but do NOT overwrite/replace any exisiting files.

If you get a makefile:4:: *** missing separator error:

  • On VS Code, just click the "Space: 4" on the downright corner and change it to tab when editing your Makefile.
  • Then, select "Convert Indentation to Tabs"

Additional resources:
