
This repository is the submission for the Map assignment for the class "design for this century" at Parsons. It represents the conflict of refugees seeking asylum in Europe.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

The Refugee Crisis In Europe

This repository is the submission for the Map assignment for the course "design for this century" at Parsons.

It represents the conflict of refugees seeking asylum in Europe. → Description

This project is built using yarn. It uses the next.js framework.


Adjusted Distribution

The "adjusted distribution by GDP" is calculated taking into account the GDP of one country, the total GDP of all countries added up, and the total number of refugees in the area. The refugees are then proportionally distributed to the countries.

Refugees per Country = Total Number of Refugees × GDP ÷ Total GDP

Find the relevant code here.

Predictions 2025


For the GDP value in 2025, I used the mean of the growth factors of a country from the years 2015 - 2019. This growth percentage was then exponentially multiplied with each country's GDP value of 2019.

GDP = GDP in 2019 × Average GDP Growth of Country ^ 6 Years

Find the relevant code here.


For the population, I used the same approach as with the GDP.

Population = Population in 2019 × Population Growth of Country in 2019 ^ 6 Years

Find the relevant code here.


For the refugees, I had to come up with an percentual growth. I decided for 5% p.a. as this seems like a realistic number, looking at the previous years. Again this growth got multiplied with each country's number of 2019.

Refugees = Number of Refugees in 2019 × approx. Average Growth of Asylum Allocation ^ 6 Years


Text Sources

See also this file.

Image Sources

Code Sources

Most of them are used in this file.

  • latLongToPixelMercartor() is based on the code from Michel Feldheim
  • hexToRgb() is based on the code from Tim Down
  • colorChannelMixer() and colorMixer() are based on the code from Aaron Harris
  • numberWithCommas() is based on the code from Elias Zamaria