
Light Table plugin for seamless github interaction

Primary LanguageClojureMIT LicenseMIT


gitbeam is a Light Table plugin that provides seamless interaction with github. With one command browse any github url locally and with another command browse the current file on github. These commands work for any file path and git SHA as well as preserve lines selected in LT or in the browser.


Install this plugin with LT's plugin manager or clone this project to your LT plugins directory. This plugin requires LT >= 0.7.0.


gitbeam does not assume any default keybindings for its commands. See below to configure them. To access its commands, open the command bar (Ctrl-Space) and type "gitbeam".

gitbeam provides the following URL->file (beam in) commands:

  • :gitbeam.in-with-clipboard - opens a project using a clipboard url
  • :gitbeam.in-with-current-word - opens a project for the url under the cursor

These commands clone a project, add it to the current workspace, checkout the specified commit and optionally open the specified file and highlight selected lines.


  • private url e.g. git@github.com:user/my-project.git
  • public url e.g. https://github.com/cldwalker/gitbeam
  • url with path e.g. https://github.com/technomancy/leiningen/blob/master/sample.project.clj
  • url with a specific SHA/branch e.g. https://github.com/technomancy/leiningen/blob/3.x/sample.project.clj
  • url with lines selected e.g. https://github.com/technomancy/leiningen/blob/a5cf442cf3c6db0f9d0bf272942d5fb7fb90173c/sample.project.clj#L152-L157

gitbeam provides the following file->URL (beam out) commands:

  • :gitbeam.out-with-external-browser - opens current file on github with external browser
  • :gitbeam.out-with-internal-browser - opens current file on github with LT's browser
  • :gitbeam.out-with-clipboard-copy - copies github url of current file to clipboard

These commands operate on the url equivalent of a selected file and optionally handle selected lines.


To map a key to a command, add an entry in user.keymap. For example, under :editor add "alt-g" [:gitbeam.out-with-external-browser]. For more examples of mapped gitbeam commands, see my LT files.

Note: when mapping gitbeam.out commands, editor selection cannot be detected if using lt.plugins.vim/map-keys.


Please report them on github.

All commands should work with LT >= 0.6.4.


See here for contributing guidelines.

There are a couple of enhancements that would be welcome:

  • Importing a project in a new window instead of the current one
  • Add support for other git-based sites e.g. bitbucket. Currently there is only github support.


  • Add tests



  • open-on-github - Atom plugin which has the beam out functionality of this plugin.