A curated list of awesome tools, tutorials and APIs related to data from the Copernicus Sentinel Satellites.
Official datahubs and mirrors by the Copernicus partners and Collaborative Ground Segment members.
- Copernicus Open Access Hub (SciHub)
- Australia National Mirror
- Austria National Mirror
- Finland National Mirror
- France National Mirror (PEPS)
- Germany National Mirror (CODE-DE)
- Greece National Mirror
- Italy National Mirror
- Norway National Mirror
- Portugal National Mirror
- Sweden National Mirror (SWEA)
- United Kingdom National Mirror (SEDAS)
Innitiatives to integrate specific Sentinel data into existing search and discovery platforms.
- Alaska Satellite Facility (Sentinel-1)
- Centre for Environmental Data Analysis - CEDA (Sentinel-1, -2)
- Theia (Sentinel-2)
- near real time distribution of atmospherically corrected L2A tiles covering several European countries (Belgium, Italy, France, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, parts of Austria, Germany and UK) and areas proposed by French scientists
- USGS EarthExplorer (Sentinel-2)
- EUMETSAT CODA (Sentinel-3 Marine Products)
- 14 day rolling archive of Sentinel-3 L1 and L2 marine products in near real-time (NRT), short time critical (STC) and non time critical (NTC) latency mode
Providers that host Copernicus Sentinel data and allow you to bring your own code to process it.
- Amazon Web Services (Sentinel-2)
- public S3 bucket, Sentinel-2 only, hosted in region eu-central-1 (Frankfurt)
- Google (Sentinel-2)
- public Google Cloud Storage bucket,
format, EU region
- public Google Cloud Storage bucket,
- Planet
- Sentinel-2 included in commercial API
Specific to Copernicus Sentinel data discovery, download and processing.
- search and download from any Datahub. Comes with an intuitive command line and a flexible Python API.
- download Sentinel-2 data from Copernicus SciHub. Supports download of sub-tiles in the old product format (PDS <14).
- download data from the French National Mirror (PEPS).
- ingest Sentinel-2 data from SciHub into S3. Used by Sinergise to populate the AWS Sentinel-2 mirror
- download Sentinel-2 data from AWS
- query Sentinel-2 data on AWS using APIGateWay
- deployed by Development Seed at https://api.developmentseed.org/satellites
- downloader for Sentinel-2 products from Amazon or SciHub
- Python library for downloading Sentinel-2 data from Amazon into ESA .SAFE format.
- AWS/Sinergise "Sentinel Image Browser"
- search Sentinel-2 data available on Amazon Webservices
- EOS "Land Viewer"
- viewer for Landsat-8/7, MODIS and Sentinel-2 data hosted by AWS
- visualize band combinations on-the-fly
- EOX "Sentinel-2 cloudless"
- cloudless, medium brightness, global Sentinel-2 composite
- also provided as WMTS Layer under CC BY 4.0
- original GeoTIFF tiles provided on S3 bucket
- jeobrowser "Rocket"
- mundialis "EO-me"
- viewer for Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8 data with custom metadata filters
- RemotePixel "Satellite Search"
- open source viewer for Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 data hosted by AWS
- uses
- Sinergise "Sentinel Playground"
- visualize AWS Sentinel-2 data in different band combinations ando offers a WMS/WMTS service.
- Sinergise "EO-browser"
- search Sentinel-2, Sentinel-3, Landsat and Proba-V data
- supports pixel based band-math operations and simple data processing
(Sentinel Application Plattform)- (pre-)process any Sentinel data
- also available as docker
- atmospheric correction of Sentinel-2 data
- also available as python package
- multi-temporal cloud screening and atmospheric correction software that uses time series to better detect coulds and correct atmospheric effects on Sentinel-2 data. Also used within Theia production described above. Developed by CNES, CESBIO and DLR.
- Google Earth Engine
- process the global Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 archives directly on Google's servers
- toolbox for processing images for agricultural purposes : atmospheric correction (with MAJA), monthly syntheses, biophysical variables, crom mask and crop-type classification
- consists of independent modules and an orchestrator