
Simple X.509 certificate viewer for Windows.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


A simple X.509 certificate viewer for Microsoft Windows.


In order to display an X.509 certificate, simply drop a certificate file onto the CertViewer window. Alternatively, you can copy a certificate to the clipboard – by default, CertViewer continuously monitors the clipboard for "displayable" certificates. Last, but not least, it is possible to pass certificates to CertViewer via the command-line.

CertViewer currently supports certificates in the binary (DER) and the Base64-encoded (PEM) format, as well as key-stores in the PKCS #12 (PFX) and the JKS (Java KeyStore) format, including password-protected files.


The .NET Framework 4.7.2 or later is required!

It is already included in Windows 10 v1803 (April 2018 Update) or later, and all versions of Windows 11.

Program settings

The initial program settings can be adjusted in the CertViewer.exe.config configuration file.

All settings are specified in the /configuration/appSettings section:

  • DigestAlgorithm
    The digest algorithm to be used for "fingerprint" computation. Default value: SHA256.

    Supported digest algorithms:
    MD5, RIPEMD160, SHA1, BLAKE2_160, BLAKE2_256, BLAKE3, SHA224, SHA256, SHA3_224, SHA3_256

  • MaximumInputLength
    Maximum input file length to read, in bytes. Default value: 16777216 (16 MiB).

  • MonitorClipboard
    Monitor the clipboard for "viewable" certificates in the PEM format. Default value: True.

  • ReverseNameOrder
    Display distinguished name components in reverse order (as per RFC 2253). Default value: True.

  • Topmost
    Keep the CertViewer window on top of all other windows. Default value: True.


For news and updates, please check the official project website at:

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Contact information


OpenPGP key:
F81B 9C6C 6C3A 7F46 4173 3F5E E9C6 473D 4E97 DAD1


Copyright (c) 2024 "dEajL3kA" <Cumpoing79@web.de>
This work has been released under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt for details!


CertViewer includes the following works:

  • Bouncy Castle Cryptography Library For .NET
    MIT license
    Copyright (c) 2000-2024 The Legion of the Bouncy Castle Inc.

  • Costura Fody Add-in
    MIT license
    Copyright (c) 2012 Simon Cropp and contributors

  • Farmhash.Sharp Hash Algorithm
    MIT license
    Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Google, Inc., Nick Babcock

  • Hack Font Typeface Design
    MIT license
    Copyright (c) 2018 Source Foundry Authors

  • Farm-Fresh Web Icons by FatCow
    Free for personal and commercial use with attribution

  • Certificate Icons by DinosoftLabs
    Free for personal and commercial use with attribution