Creating AI-based health coaches through crowdsourced health research
Jupyter NotebookMIT
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Create the getRelativeValues function
#73 opened by oliviermirat - 0
Fix activities column for participant 8
#78 opened by ann-w - 2
Create a script similar to the one created in issue 51, but while taking into account the missing data adjustments
#54 opened by oliviermirat - 0
- 0
Retrieve, plot, store and check all of the data for Participant 2 (before doing any of the missing data adjustements of issue 52)
#51 opened by oliviermirat - 1
Outliers detection for physical activity and time spent on computer data for Participant 1
#70 opened by oliviermirat - 0
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Check the Participant 8's diaries in the confidential repo to see if those could be used in some way
#53 opened by oliviermirat - 0
"python setup.py test" : solve the last 4 errors coming from test_dataframeutilities.py and test_export_excel.py
#63 opened by oliviermirat - 0
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Fix "python setup.py test"
#55 opened by oliviermirat - 0
create tests for dataframe utilities
#56 opened by evadatinez - 0
Gather Moves cumulated elevations gain for Participant 1 and 2; store them in a file on the repo; create a function that retrieve those stored values and places them inside a dataframe for Participants 1 or 2
#41 opened by oliviermirat - 5
Normalization of same variable recorded from several different sources/trackers
#24 opened by oliviermirat - 0
Extract elevation gain from OruxTrace
#31 opened by oliviermirat - 2
Extract elevation gain for GPSlogger files
#32 opened by oliviermirat - 0
Calculate cumulated elevation gain for physical activities recorded by Moves
#28 opened by oliviermirat - 9
Calculate cumulated elevation gain for physical activities recorded by GoogleFit
#27 opened by oliviermirat - 2
Write a function that interacts with Google Map API to get elevation from GPS coordinates
#38 opened by oliviermirat - 0
- 4
Missing data part 2: Add values inside the dataframe of a participant based on excel file
#22 opened by oliviermirat - 3
Decide of a good data input format for Google Map API to get the elevation
#37 opened by oliviermirat - 0
Blank screen
#34 opened by oliviermirat - 3
Missing data part 1: create a function that converts a dataframe into an excel file
#21 opened by oliviermirat - 1
Create function to retrieve pain intensities data and store it in a dataframe for participants 2 to 9
#8 opened by oliviermirat - 0
Create function to retrieve mental state data and store it in a dataframe for participant 1 (based on the data inside the confidential "other" repo)
#11 opened by oliviermirat - 3
Create a function that returns the elevation for a set of GPS points (lattitude, longitude)
#20 opened by oliviermirat - 1
Create function to retrieve other "complaints" data and store it in a dataframe (for participant 8 mostly)
#10 opened by oliviermirat - 1
Create function to retrieve Moves data and store it in a dataframe for participant 2
#7 opened by oliviermirat - 1
Create function to retrieve Google Fit data and store it in a dataframe for participants 2 to 9
#6 opened by oliviermirat - 2
Create function to retrieve mental state data and store it in a dataframe (for participant 8 mostly)
#9 opened by oliviermirat - 1
Create function to retrieve fitbit data and store it in a dataframe for participants 2 to 9
#5 opened by oliviermirat - 4
Rebasing the repo on pyscaffold-dsproject
#2 opened by LeviBorodenko