
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Setup with Google

Non Admin Setup

  1. In a non admin console, create an app, enable the google drive api.
  2. Under credentials, add a service account with option "Enable G Suite Domain-wide Delegation"
  3. Download the JSON file, add "subject": "email@example.com" to the JSON.
  4. Note the client ID https://console.developers.google.com/iam-admin/serviceaccounts https://console.developers.google.com

Admin Setup

  1. Go to https://admin.google.com/
  2. Under security -> Enable GSuite access
  3. Security -> Advanced -> Manage API access: https://admin.google.com/AdminHome?chromeless=1#OGX:ManageOauthClients
  4. Add the client ID (obtained before) and a scope like https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.readonly.