
Goal of the exam

To assess a developer's skills in terms of developing iOS apps and decision-making on solving common development tasks.


  • Fork this repository
  • Create an iOS Swift 3 project with the following features:
    • Uses Model-View ViewModel Design Pattern
    • Loads and shows a list of Persons from a remote source
    • Caches the loaded list of Persons
    • Prevents any loading from the remote source if the cache is available
    • Shows the full details of a Person on a separate screen
    • Each Person must have the following data:
      • First name
      • Last name
      • Birthday
      • Age (derived from Birthday)
      • Email address
      • Mobile number
      • Address
      • Contact person
      • Contact person's phone number
  • Send an email once done to

Any libraries or tools of the developer's choosing may be used.