Outgive Full Stack Developer Coding Challenge

Technology Stack Used


The project comes with a dockerized development environment and should include everything you need to get working right away.

This setup requires that you have Docker and Docker Compose installed on your your system.

For MacOS and Windows users, you should only need to install Docker Desktop. Docker Desktop includes both Docker Engine and Docker Compose.

For Linux users, you have to separetely install Docker and Docker Compose.

Once you download this repository, all you have to do is run:

docker-compose up

Depending on your machine, you might need to run the command above with sudo:

sudo docker-compose up

The client application should now be running on:


The server application should now be running on:


When you make a change to the client and server source code, the respective Docker containers running will be udpated as well. In other words, hot-reloading is enabled.

Your Challenge


All instructions below pertains to the server directory of the project.

cd server/
  • Create initial database table called "tasks" with at least the following fields, data types, and contraints
    • id (UUID)(PRIMARY KEY)
    • title (STRING)(NOT NULL)
    • details (STRING)
    • completed (BOOLEAN)(DEFAULT FALSE)
  • Create the necessary API routes and DB queries for CRUD functionalitiy
    • Get all tasks
    • Get a single task
    • Create a task
    • Update a task
    • Delete a task

Hint: Comments with TODO: have been written to help you get started.


All user stories below pertains to the client directory of the project.

cd client/
  • As a user, I want to see a list with all my tasks with titles only.
  • As a user, I want to be able to click on a single task to see the title and details.
  • As a user, I want to create new tasks.
  • As a user, I want to update my task's title and details.
  • As a user, I want toggle my task between completed and uncompleted.
  • As a user, I want to delete my task.


Functionality: Out of 10

UX/Design: Out of 10

DB Design: Out of 10

Validation: Out of 5

Coding Style: Out of 5

  • Include front-end and back-end validation.
  • Use your creativity and design skills to make the existing site design your own.
  • You can modify the base source code as long as it achieve the features needed for the application.


Create a merge/pull request on Gitlab. Name the branch as {firstname}-{lastname}-submission.