

Node: 13.7 (Please use nvm)

If the database is already setup:

Please insert this on oauth_clients:

  1. { client_id: website, client_secret: "secretsite", "grant_types": "authorization", "name": "web, "redirect": "", "scope": "admin"}
  2. { client_id: mobile, client_secret: "secretmobile", "grant_types": "authorization", "name": "mobile, "redirect": "http://localhost/cb", "scope": "mobile"}


This is a Moleculer-based microservices project. Generated with the Moleculer CLI.


Start the project with npm run dev command. After starting, open the http://localhost:3000/ URL in your browser. On the welcome page you can test the generated services via API Gateway and check the nodes & services.


  • api: API Gateway services
  • auth: Sample service with hello and welcome actions.
  • test1: Sample DB service.
  • test2: Sample DB service.
  • test3: Sample DB service.


  • db.mixin: Database access mixin for services. Based on moleculer-db

Useful links

NPM scripts

  • npm run dev: Start development mode (load all services locally with hot-reload & REPL)
  • npm run start: Start production mode (set SERVICES env variable to load certain services)
  • npm run cli: Start a CLI and connect to production. Don't forget to set production namespace with --ns argument in script
  • npm run lint: Run ESLint
  • npm run ci: Run continuous test mode with watching
  • npm test: Run tests & generate coverage report
  • npm run dc:up: Start the stack with Docker Compose
  • npm run dc:down: Stop the stack with Docker Compose

heroku login heroku container:login heroku container:push web --app test-homitag heroku container:release web --app test-homitag