
Improvements to IPFS protocols to add greater determinism.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Multiblock is a collection of multiformat protocols that, in aggregate, combine to provide an added layer of determinism over existing IPFS protocols, without breaking or modifying any existing IPFS protocols.

As we are well within the multihash protocol, the following protocols only ensure determinism per multihash and the same block data addressed with another hashing algorithm will of course produce differentiated determinism per multihash algorithm.

Multiblock offers:

  • addresses and format for CID Sets
  • addresses and format for Block Sets
  • incremental verification of streamed block data
  • "deterministic CAR files"
  • "CAR indexing"
  • and some other goodness :)

Since each of these protocols is a multiformat, and it's too early to assign identifiers, the shortform string identifier is used in each README header.

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All the protocols are designed to fit into the existing CAR format AND can be independently addressed by CID's w/ new codecs such that the CAR itself can be split into each of these parts.

lmh - Length Prefixed Multihash

It is often the case that a data provider does not wish to agree to unbounded reads, and this even applies to the block layer as we are expanding in some systems beyond the traditional 2mb limit. It's time for a multihash address that can include the size of the block data as part of its multihash verification such that it provides a good contract between the reader and the provider.

lmh is a multihash that contains:

  • a multihash
  • the length of the corresponding block data

An lmh can be produced for any existing multihash if you know the size of the block data it belongs to.

ccs - Compressed CID Set

This is an IPLD codec and block format that represents a Set of CIDs deterministically ordered and encoded such that each one represents the only address (per mulithash) for a group of CIDs.

Common digests and prefixes are compressed out of the format and it is strictly encoded as a single block. A future format may choose to tackle larger sets, but we have numerous use cases in which we need a guarantee the Set will fit in memory so a single block format is ideal at this time.

Since the Set is compressed into a radix, there are a few IPLD schemas to choose from for the IPLD Data Model representation, but we should expect that a simple List of Links will be the most common.

Lastly, all CID's MUST use the above lmh (length prefixed multihash) for every CID. This is what allows ccs to be used for incremental verfiication of a Block Set, and as an index for random access into the block data.

cbs - CAR Block Set

This is a set of blocks in CAR block format, ordered in the same stable sorting algorithm as the above CID Set, all encoded with raw and a regular multihash (no lmh since CAR block data already has the length).

Preceeding these blocks, is the block data for the CID Set.

Since there is only a single codec for the encoding of the blocks (raw) the CID Set, which must occur first in the CAR Block Set, provides a means of incremental verification and random access indexing of the corresponding CAR block data.

Since the CID Set is addressed separately, it can easily be loaded separately.

multiblock - multiformat identifier for this protocol

Used for CID's that are the multihash of the CID Set + Block Set.

These can be used as a secure means of one-to-one mapping of this data structure to inclusion proofs. As an example, if this data were zero-filled to meet the minimum size for a Piece CID in Filecoin, the corresponding Piece CID would map one-to-one with a multiblock CID and this fact is cryptographically secure.

vch - Verifiable CAR Header

It's tempting to skip striaght to deterministic CAR files, but we have numerous use cases that use the CAR header root to signal behavior that cannot be deterministically generated from the CID/Block Set.

A CAR header that:

  • Must have single root.
  • Must include a property multiblock that is a List of three entries
    • CID of the CID Set.
      • This CID MUST use lmh.
    • CID of the Block Set.
      • This CID MUST use lmh.
    • CID of the multiblock codec, which is a multihash of the CAR body without the header (obviously).

The "multiblock" property signals to anyone reading the CAR protocol that the corresponding block data can and should be additionally verified, but will obviously be ignored by anyone implementing the CAR protocol without these multiblock additions.

Unlike dch described below, the root is advisory and will not be verified as being part of the Block Set.

These properties and only these properties may appear to ensure a deterministic encoding of the root and CID Set together.

The vch codec is used for addressing and identifying CAR headers stored outside the original CAR and MUST be a hash of only the CAR header. This allows for decompossing and de-duplicating CAR data.

Since the header can be arrived at deterministically, its size can be predicted and skipped in the CAR it is written to.

dch - Deterministic CAR Header

A CAR header that:

  • Must have a single root that MUST be a multiblock CID.
    • CID of the CID Set.
    • This CID MUST use lmh. Must include a property multiblock that is a List of two entries
    • CID of the Block Set.
      • This CID MUST use lmh.
    • CID of the multiblock codec, which is a multihash of the CAR body without the header (obviously).
      • This CID MUST use lmh.

This, combined with the above multiformats, compose into a fully determinsitic CAR encoding.

The CID Set CID is used as a root because it appears in the CAR and the block refers to all other blocks in the CAR which allows the CAR file to interop with any system expecting the block data to be linked from the root.

Since the header can be arrived at deterministically, its size can be predicted and skipped in the CAR it is written to.