
ESP32 Wroom Pin For CLK

Sudupatil opened this issue · 2 comments


Your library is great, but unfortunately I stuck in one situation, where i would like to have you help in that. In my project I used 3.5 Touch Screen Display(ILI9488), For That i used following pins
T_DO 19
T_DIN 23
T_CS 13
T_CLK 18

SCK 18
DC 4
CS 15

I was using following pis for HX711_ADC
HX711_dout = 36
HX711_sck = 23

Now due to Pin 23 is in common between Both, I can't Use Pin 23 for HX711, I tried Pin 18 but that also not resolve my problem. Also I had tried all other pins but didn't got any success.

So my question is Which Other pin i can use for HX711_sck (other than display pins)?

Thanks and Regards
Sudarshan Patil

olkal commented

One of the following GPIO pins should work for HX711 sck: 5, 14, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 32, 33


Thank you very much for your timely reply, I used Pin 33 as your suggested and it's work.

Thanks and regards
Sudarshan Patil