
test django task application, deployed https://fierce-brook-54192.herokuapp.com/ and http://krocozabr.pythonanywhere.com/

Primary LanguagePython

Task management application


  • users can login to their accounts;
  • then they see a list of everyones tasks;
  • available actions: add, edit(owner only), mark done, delete(owner only), hide completed tasks;
  • after adding task it can be assigned to anyone or it will assigned to creator by system;
  • tests for code included(Selenium and unit tests).


  • django 2.1
  • python 3.5
  • bootstrap 3.3.7
  • jquery 3.3.1

Also there is provided a test user and test data in fixtures. For log in to the site you can use next credentials(from fixtures)

  • login - admin, password - 'adminadmin'
  • login - developer1, password - 'dev12345'
  • login - developer2, password - 'dev12345'


Clone the project and go to the project folder. You can use next commands:

 $ pip install -r requirements.txt
 $ python manage.py migrate
 $ python manage.py runserver

Run tests:

 $ python manage.py test