,---.-. ,-|- ,--.--.
`---| | | |--' |
`---'-' `-'--`--' `-'
Sixten is an experimental functional programming language where all data is unboxed by default. Functional programming with fewer indirections!
NOTE: Sixten is not dead! A new frontend is currently being built over at Sixty, which will be merged into Sixten eventually.
Below follow some of Sixten's features that work now.
We can define a new type of tuples of two given types as:
type Pair a b = MkPair a b
We can then use the constructor MkPair
to construct a pair. As an example,
MkPair 610 "Sixten"
has type Pair Int String
The size in memory of Pair a b
is the size of a
plus the size of b
, and
the pair is passed in registers or on the stack when used in a function.
On a 64-bit machine, sizeOf Int = 8
and sizeOf (Pair Int Int) = 16
Nested pairs are also laid out flat in memory: sizeOf (Pair Int (Pair Int Int)) = 24
With this in mind we can define stack-allocated, flat, unboxed vectors of a given number of elements as:
Vector : Nat -> Type -> Type
Vector Zero _ = Unit
Vector (Succ n) a = Pair a (Vector n a)
Here, Unit
is the zero-size type with one inhabitant, and Pair A B
the type of unboxed pairs of A
and B
Here's a function that sums a vector of ints:
sum : (n : Nat) -> Vector n Int -> Int
sum Zero MkUnit = 0
sum (Succ n) (MkPair x xs) = addInt x (sum n xs)
The type of heap-allocated vectors is then Ptr (Vector n a)
, where Ptr
is a built-in type of type Type -> Type
which returns a boxed version of
the argument. For any type t
, sizeOf (Ptr t) = 8
on a 64-bit machine.
Using Ptr
we can define (immutable) arrays, where the length is not visible
in the type, as:
type Array a where
MkArray : (n : Nat) -> Ptr (Vector n a) -> Array a
Another example where Ptr
can be used is to define a type of linked lists:
type List a = Nil | Cons a (Ptr (List a))
Here Ptr
makes it explicit that a Cons
cell has a pointer to a list.
Note that the a
is unpacked in Cons
(unless it's a Ptr something
so it's an intrusive linked list where the tail pointer is next to the
element in memory.
There are two ways to define algebraic data types:
- ADT-style:
type Maybe a = Nothing | Just a
- GADT-style:
type Maybe a where
Nothing : Maybe a
Just : a -> Maybe a
Pattern matching can be done in clauses and case expressions:
fromMaybe : forall a. a -> Maybe a -> a
fromMaybe def Nothing = def
fromMaybe _ (Just x) = x
fromMaybe' : forall a. a -> Maybe a -> a
fromMaybe' def mx = case mx of
Nothing -> def
Just x -> x
In memory, algebraic data types are represented by an integer tag next to a chunk of memory big enough to hold the contents of any of the constructors. If the type has fewer than two constructors it's represented without a tag.
This means that type Unit = MkUnit
has size zero, and Maybe A
has size
tagSize + sizeOf A
The forall
keyword introduces implicit parameters in a type:
id : forall a. a -> a
id x = x
Implicit arguments are inferred by usage, so a = Int
in id 610
. They
can also be explicitly specified using @
: id @Int 610
The arguments in function types can be named and used in the return type:
sum : (n : Nat) -> Vector n Int -> Int
Constructors can constrain their type's parameters. For instance, we can define propositional equality as follows:
type Equals a b where
Refl : Equals a a
Here, the Refl
constructor can only be used when the two parameters to
are equal. When given a value of type Equals a b
, we can use pattern
matching to reveal the constraint that a
and b
are equal. As an example,
here's how to define transitivity:
trans : forall a b c. Equals a b -> Equals b c -> Equals a c
trans Refl Refl = Refl
Sixten's type inference is inspired by Practical type inference for arbitrary-rank types.
These are similar to Haskell's type classes.
As an example, here's how to define a Functor
class Functor f where
map : forall a b. (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
type Maybe a = Nothing | Just a
instance Functor Maybe where
map _ Nothing = Nothing
map f (Just x) = Just (f x)
Extern C code can be written in (C| ... |)
blocks. Sixten expressions can be
spliced into the code with $expr
. For example, here's how addition on the
built-in type Int
can be defined:
addInt : Int -> Int -> Int
addInt x y = (C|
return $x + $y;
Extern C code blocks are compiled to C functions which are compiled separately. LLVM link-time optimisation is used to minimise function-call overheads.
This currently uses the Boehm–Demers–Weiser garbage collector for garbage-collecting heap-allocated data.
Sometimes we do want boxed types, e.g. to define linked lists without having to
explicitly wrap and unwrap values in Ptr
s. This can be done with the boxed
type List a = Nil | Cons a (List a)
This means that all values of type List t
are indirected through a pointer,
as if using Ptr (List t)
. Boxed types can sometimes be represented more efficiently than pointers to unboxed types, because
their size does not need to be padded to be uniform with the biggest constructor.
The Ptr
type from the Builtin
module is defined using boxed
type Ptr a = Ref a
- Records
- Effects and IO
- Standard library
- Infix and/or mixfix definitions
- Dedicated garbage collector
See the issues list for more details about what's planned.
Sixten is very related to other functional languages such as Haskell, Agda, and Idris. The biggest difference between other languages and Sixten is the way that Sixten allows us to control the memory layout of data.
Most high-level languages with parametrically polymorphic (or generic) data types and functions, even if it is offered under a different name like templates, fall into one of the following two categories:
They use a uniform representation for polymorphic data, which is usually word-sized. If the data is bigger than a word it's represented as a pointer to the data.
They use monomorphisation or template instantiation, meaning that new code is generated statically whenever a polymorphic function is used at a new type.
Neither of these approaches is perfect: With the uniform representation approach we lose control over how our data is laid out in memory, and with the template instantiation approach we lose modularity and polymorphic recursion:
With a uniform representation we cannot for example define polymorphic intrusive linked lists, where the node data is stored next to the list's "next pointer". Given the (Haskell) list definition
data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a)
The representation in memory of the list Cons x (Cons y Nil)
in languages
with a uniform representation is something like:
[x] [y]
^ ^
| |
[Cons * *]--->[Cons * *]--->[Nil]
We cannot define a polymorphic list whose representation is intrusive:
[Cons x *]--->[Cons y *]--->[Nil]
What we gain from using a uniform representation is modularity: A
polymorphic function, say map : forall a b. (a -> b) -> List a -> List b
, can be
compiled once and used for any types a
and b
With monomorphisation, we are able to define intrusive lists, like in the following C++-like code:
template<typename A>
class List
A element;
List<A>* next;
However, unless we know all the types that A
will be instantiated with in
advance, we have to generate new code for every instantiation of the
function, meaning that we have partly lost modular compilation. We also
can't have polymorphic recursion since that would require an unbounded
number of instantiations. Template instantiation also leads to bigger code
since it generates multiple versions of the same function.
What is gained is the ability to more finely express how our data is laid out in memory, which for instance means that we can write code that is cache-aware and which uses fewer memory allocations.
Sixten gives us both: it allows us to control the memory layout of our data all the while retaining modularity.
The definition of the list type in Sixten is
type List a = Nil | Cons a (Ptr (List a))
The difference between Sixten and (for instance) Haskell is that everything is
unboxed by default, meaning that the a
field in the Cons
constructor is not
represented by a pointer to an a
, but it is an a
. This also means that we
have to mark where we actually want pointers with the Ptr
type constructor.
The Cons
constructor has to hold a pointer to the tail of the list because
we would otherwise create an infinite-size datatype, which is not allowed in
The novel feature that allows this is type representation polymorphism.
Types are compiled to their representation in Sixten. In the current
implementation of Sixten the representation consists only of the type's size in
memory, so e.g. Int
is compiled to the integer 8
on a 64-bit system. A
polymorphic function like map : forall a b. (a -> b) -> List a -> List b
implicitly takes the types a
and b
as arguments at runtime, and its
compiled form makes use of the type representation information to calculate
the memory offsets and sizes of its arguments and results that are needed to
be representation polymorphic.
This kind of polymorphism is potentially slower than specialised functions since it passes around additional implicit arguments and does more calculation at runtime. Some of this inefficiency should be offset by having better memory layout than systems using uniform representations, meaning better cache behaviour. Also note that type representation polymorphism does not preclude creating specialised versions of functions known to be performance-critical, meaning that we can choose to use monomorphisation when we want to.
Sixten's type representation polymorphism is closely related to research on intensional polymorphism. What sets Sixten apart is the way type representations are used in the compiled code. Sixten doesn't need to use type representations to perform code selection, but rather compiles polymorphic functions to single implementations that leverage the information in the type representation to be general enough to work for all types. Type representations are also not structural in Sixten, but consist simply of the size of the type.
To build Sixten from source, clone this repository and build it using Stack:
git clone git@github.com:ollef/sixten.git
cd sixten
stack build
To install the sixten
binary, run:
stack install
This will install sixten
locally, which usually means ~/.local/bin
. This
path can be added to your PATH
environment variable if desired.
To run tests, run:
stack test
To build Sixten programs, you'll need:
- LLVM and Clang >= 6. The
flag can be used to tellsixten
where to look for these. - The Boehm–Demers–Weiser garbage collector library.
- pkg-config (used to find the Boehm–Demers–Weiser GC library).
The compiler has a work-in-progress language server following the Language Server Protocol.
To install it, set up your editor's language client to use the command
sixten language-server
The language server currently has the following limitations:
- Only diagnostic reporting and hovering is supported.
- Hovering only works in certain contexts.
- Only single file projects are supported.
- Everything is recompiled on each save.
Here's how to set up Sixten with LanguageClient-neovim using vim-plug:
" Language client plugin
Plug 'autozimu/LanguageClient-neovim', {
\ 'branch': 'next',
\ 'do': './install.sh'
\ }
" Syntax highlighting and filetype detection
Plug 'ollef/sixten', { 'rtp': 'vim' }
" Use the Sixten language server for vix files
let g:LanguageClient_serverCommands = {
\ 'sixten': ['~/.local/bin/sixten', 'language-server']
\ }
The above assumes that the sixten
binary is installed locally in
With sixten
in your PATH, add the following to your .bashrc
to get
completion for the sixten
source <(sixten --bash-completion-script `which sixten`)
Does this sound interesting to you? Get involved and help shape the Sixten language! Contributions are always welcome.
If want to get in touch, create a Github issue or join the Gitter chat.
Please read the code of conduct.