Neural Network Youtube Convolution Neural Network
Residual Fully connected Neural Network
This network consist of 3 blocks, 3 fc_m_resnet object stacked on each other
fc_m_resnet fc_nn_top_block;
fc_m_resnet fc_nn_mid_block;
fc_m_resnet fc_nn_end_block;
#SRCS = main.cpp fc_m_resnet.cpp simple_nn.cpp
#PROG = main
SRCS = residual_net.cpp fc_m_resnet.cpp load_mnist_dataset.cpp
PROG = residual_net
#SRCS = verify.cpp fc_m_resnet.cpp simple_nn.cpp
#PROG = verify
const int top_inp_nodes = data_size_one_sample;
const int top_out_nodes = 100;
const int mid_out_nodes = 30;
const int end_out_nodes = 10;
const int top_hid_layers = 1;
const int top_hid_nodes_L1 = 300;
const int mid_hid_layers = 3;
const int mid_hid_nodes_L1 = 50;
const int mid_hid_nodes_L2 = 50;
const int mid_hid_nodes_L3 = 30;
const int end_hid_layers = 1;
const int end_hid_nodes_L1 = 15;
There are skip residual connection betwheen the input side of fc_nn_end_block
and output side of fc_nn_top_block
to make a residual connection for not vanishing gradient esspecial if many mid blocks are stacked
The residual_net.cpp net seems to works and steady converge during training.
The could be arbriatary size of input output nodes of all blocks even when use skip residual connection enabled
and i_layer_delta
link the backpropagation between each fc_m_resnet
object block
use_skip_connect_mode = 1
enable skip residulal connections
set if the fc_m_resnet
is a top, mid or end block. It is possible to stack many mid blocks with residual skip connections
and fc_nn_top_block
dont have skip capability
Epoch 95
input node [0] = 2.02286
Output node [0] = 3.53664e-07 Target node [0] = 0
Output node [1] = 2.13882e-08 Target node [1] = 0
Output node [2] = 2.20148e-08 Target node [2] = 0
Output node [3] = 2.33942e-05 Target node [3] = 0
Output node [4] = 3.23943e-07 Target node [4] = 0
Output node [5] = 0.99996 Target node [5] = 1
Output node [6] = 1.09631e-05 Target node [6] = 0
Output node [7] = 1.07777e-07 Target node [7] = 0
Output node [8] = 1.49558e-06 Target node [8] = 0
Output node [9] = 3.30948e-06 Target node [9] = 0
Training loss = 242.69
correct_classify_cnt = 59927
correct_ratio = 99.8783
Output node [0] = 2.34294e-06 Target node [0] = 0
Output node [1] = 5.30512e-07 Target node [1] = 0
Output node [2] = 1.31461e-08 Target node [2] = 0
Output node [3] = 1.93634e-06 Target node [3] = 0
Output node [4] = 9.31552e-07 Target node [4] = 0
Output node [5] = 3.2332e-07 Target node [5] = 0
Output node [6] = 3.172e-12 Target node [6] = 0
Output node [7] = 0.000113953 Target node [7] = 0
Output node [8] = 0.000332674 Target node [8] = 0
Output node [9] = 0.999547 Target node [9] = 1
Verify loss = 162.315
Verify correct_classify_cnt = 9804
Verify correct_ratio = 98.04
Save data weights ...
Save data finnish !
Save data weights ...
Save data finnish !
Save data weights ...
Save data finnish !
Epoch ----96
input node --- [0] = 0.772168
Note that this is only illustation of fc_nn_mid_block
You can stack arbitrary numbers of skip connected mid fc_nn_mid_block
and fc_nn_top_block
dont have skip capability.
General Neural Network Residual net test Beta version under work...
3 stackaed nn blocks with residual connections
fc_m_resnet Constructor
Seed radomizer done
fc_m_resnet Constructor
Seed radomizer done
fc_m_resnet Constructor
Seed radomizer done
Fully connected residual neural network object
fc_m_resnet object version : 0.0.8
Constructor load_mnist_dataset
train-images-idx3-ubyte is in memory
train-labels-idx1-ubyte is in memory
lable_size = 60000
one_sample_lable_size = 10
t10k-images-idx3-ubyte is in memory
t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte is in memory
lable_size = 10000
one_sample_lable_size = 10
Destructor load_mnist_dataset
Number of hidden layers is set to = 1
Size of hidden_layer[0][x] = 300
hidden_layer vector is now set up
Now setup all_weight, change_weights vectors size of this fc block
Size of temporary dummy_1D_weight_vector from input layer connection[0] is = 785
Size of temporary dummy_1D_weight_vector last hidden layer connection[0] is = 301
The size of all_weight and change_weights in now setup OK !
Note that the program how call this object could only set this size once. No protections against change size of the public vectors
Setup state = 2
Size of layer dimentions[] of weights at the this nn block = 2
Size of node dimentions[][] of weights for hidden layer number 0 is: 300
Size of weight dimentions[][][] of weights for hidden layer number 0 is: 785
Size of node dimentions[][] of weights for hidden layer number 1 is: 100
Size of weight dimentions[][][] of weights for hidden layer number 1 is: 301
Number of hidden layers is set to = 3
Size of hidden_layer[0][x] = 50
==== Skip connection is used ====
input_layer.size() = 100
output_layer.size() = 30
skip_conn_multiple_part = 3
skip_conn_rest_part = 10
Size of hidden_layer[1][x] = 50
Size of hidden_layer[2][x] = 30
hidden_layer vector is now set up
Now setup all_weight, change_weights vectors size of this fc block
Size of temporary dummy_1D_weight_vector from input layer connection[0] is = 101
Size of temporary dummy_1D_weight_vector from hidden layer connection[1] is = 51
Size of temporary dummy_1D_weight_vector from hidden layer connection[2] is = 51
Size of temporary dummy_1D_weight_vector last hidden layer connection[2] is = 31
The size of all_weight and change_weights in now setup OK !
Note that the program how call this object could only set this size once. No protections against change size of the public vectors
Setup state = 2
Size of layer dimentions[] of weights at the this nn block = 4
Size of node dimentions[][] of weights for hidden layer number 0 is: 50
Size of weight dimentions[][][] of weights for hidden layer number 0 is: 101
Size of node dimentions[][] of weights for hidden layer number 1 is: 50
Size of weight dimentions[][][] of weights for hidden layer number 1 is: 51
Size of node dimentions[][] of weights for hidden layer number 2 is: 30
Size of weight dimentions[][][] of weights for hidden layer number 2 is: 51
Size of node dimentions[][] of weights for hidden layer number 3 is: 30
Size of weight dimentions[][][] of weights for hidden layer number 3 is: 31
Number of hidden layers is set to = 1
Size of hidden_layer[0][x] = 15
hidden_layer vector is now set up
Now setup all_weight, change_weights vectors size of this fc block
Size of temporary dummy_1D_weight_vector from input layer connection[0] is = 31
Size of temporary dummy_1D_weight_vector last hidden layer connection[0] is = 16
The size of all_weight and change_weights in now setup OK !
Note that the program how call this object could only set this size once. No protections against change size of the public vectors
Setup state = 2
Size of layer dimentions[] of weights at the this nn block = 2
Size of node dimentions[][] of weights for hidden layer number 0 is: 15
Size of weight dimentions[][][] of weights for hidden layer number 0 is: 31
Size of node dimentions[][] of weights for hidden layer number 1 is: 10
Size of weight dimentions[][][] of weights for hidden layer number 1 is: 16
Do you want to load weights from saved weight file = Y/N
Randomize weights 3D vector all weights of fc_resnet object....
Randomize weights is DONE!
setup_state = 3
Randomize weights 3D vector all weights of fc_resnet object....
Randomize weights is DONE!
setup_state = 3
Randomize weights 3D vector all weights of fc_resnet object....
Randomize weights is DONE!
setup_state = 3
Epoch ----0
input node --- [0] = 0
Epoch 0
input node [0] = 2.67658
Output node [0] = 0.098834 Target node [0] = 0
Output node [1] = 0.0948093 Target node [1] = 0
Output node [2] = 0.105569 Target node [2] = 0
Output node [3] = 0.111629 Target node [3] = 0
Output node [4] = 0.0918349 Target node [4] = 0
Output node [5] = 0.0949475 Target node [5] = 0
Output node [6] = 0.106768 Target node [6] = 0
Output node [7] = 0.100578 Target node [7] = 0
Output node [8] = 0.104195 Target node [8] = 1
Output node [9] = 0.0908353 Target node [9] = 0
Training loss = 138371
correct_classify_cnt = 5903
correct_ratio = 9.83833
Output node [0] = 0.098691 Target node [0] = 0
Output node [1] = 0.0946723 Target node [1] = 1
Output node [2] = 0.105404 Target node [2] = 0
Output node [3] = 0.111457 Target node [3] = 0
Output node [4] = 0.0917076 Target node [4] = 0
Output node [5] = 0.0948131 Target node [5] = 0
Output node [6] = 0.106599 Target node [6] = 0
Output node [7] = 0.100734 Target node [7] = 0
Output node [8] = 0.105214 Target node [8] = 0
Output node [9] = 0.0907091 Target node [9] = 0
Verify loss = 4502.22
Verify correct_classify_cnt = 1000
Verify correct_ratio = 10
Save data weights ...
Save data finnish !
Save data weights ...
Save data finnish !
Save data weights ...
Save data finnish !
Epoch ----1
........ ........
Epoch 34
input node [0] = 1.56752
Output node [0] = 0.00010089 Target node [0] = 0
Output node [1] = 0.000233262 Target node [1] = 0
Output node [2] = 2.89292e-05 Target node [2] = 0
Output node [3] = 0.000116886 Target node [3] = 0
Output node [4] = 6.16322e-06 Target node [4] = 0
Output node [5] = 0.994423 Target node [5] = 1
Output node [6] = 2.53142e-05 Target node [6] = 0
Output node [7] = 0.00391709 Target node [7] = 0
Output node [8] = 0.000596092 Target node [8] = 0
Output node [9] = 0.000552843 Target node [9] = 0
Training loss = 15769.4
correct_classify_cnt = 54263
correct_ratio = 90.4383
Output node [0] = 2.74223e-07 Target node [0] = 0
Output node [1] = 3.00427e-05 Target node [1] = 0
Output node [2] = 1.30786e-06 Target node [2] = 0
Output node [3] = 4.17474e-05 Target node [3] = 0
Output node [4] = 3.4027e-05 Target node [4] = 0
Output node [5] = 0.000592961 Target node [5] = 0
Output node [6] = 2.72837e-07 Target node [6] = 0
Output node [7] = 0.00320812 Target node [7] = 0
Output node [8] = 0.000103024 Target node [8] = 0
Output node [9] = 0.995988 Target node [9] = 1
Verify loss = 881.659
Verify correct_classify_cnt = 8767
Verify correct_ratio = 87.67
Save data weights ...
Save data finnish !
Save data weights ...
Save data finnish !
Save data weights ...
Save data finnish !
Epoch ----35
input node --- [0] = 2.29262
Epoch 35
Verify loss = 833.033
Verify correct_classify_cnt = 8884
Verify correct_ratio = 88.84
Save data weights ...
Save data finnish !
Save data weights ...
Save data finnish !
Save data weights ...
Save data finnish !
Epoch ----66
conv_test setup:
OK stride size is set to 2
data_size_one_sample one channel = 484
Start doing calculatiote if stride add to input_tensor_size is neccesary
root_of_intdata_size = 22
kernel_size = 5
stride = 2
add_side = 1
Note! Add bottom rows and right column at input_tensor to make the convolution betwhen input and kernel not miss any input data during stride stop operation
OK input_side_size = 23
OK output_side_size = 10
kernel_bias_weights.size() = 7
kernel_weights.size() = 7
kernel_weights[0].size() = 1
kernel_weights[0][0].size() = 5
kernel_weights[6][0][4].size() = 5
input_tensor.size() = 1
output_tensor.size() = 7
output_tensor[6][9].size() = 10
Convolution neural network under work...
Constructor Convloution neural network object
Seed radomizer done
Constructor Convloution neural network object
Seed radomizer done
fc_m_resnet Constructor
Seed radomizer done
Fully connected residual neural network object
fc_m_resnet object version : 0.1.0
Constructor load_mnist_dataset
Convloution neural network object
Convloution version : 0.0.3
conv_L1 setup:
OK stride size is set to 2
data_size_one_sample one channel = 784
Start doing calculatiote if stride add to input_tensor_size is neccesary
root_of_intdata_size = 28
kernel_size = 5
stride = 2
add_side = 1
Note! Add bottom rows and right column at input_tensor to make the convolution between input and kernel not miss any input data during stride stop operation
OK input_side_size = 29
OK output_side_size = 13
kernel_bias_weights.size() = 30
kernel_weights.size() = 30
kernel_weights[0].size() = 1
kernel_weights[0][0].size() = 5
kernel_weights[29][0][4].size() = 5
input_tensor.size() = 1
output_tensor.size() = 30
output_tensor[29][12].size() = 13
conv_L2 setup:
OK stride size is set to 2
data_size_one_sample one channel = 169
Start doing calculatiote if stride add to input_tensor_size is neccesary
root_of_intdata_size = 13
kernel_size = 5
stride = 2
add_side = 0
OK Note. Input tensor fit perfect to stride no missing data when slide to end without add extra right rows and bottom column at input spartial
OK input_side_size = 13
OK output_side_size = 5
kernel_bias_weights.size() = 25
kernel_weights.size() = 25
kernel_weights[0].size() = 30
kernel_weights[0][0].size() = 5
kernel_weights[24][29][4].size() = 5
input_tensor.size() = 30
output_tensor.size() = 25
output_tensor[24][4].size() = 5
end_inp_nodes = 625
train-images-idx3-ubyte is in memory
train-labels-idx1-ubyte is in memory
lable_size = 60000
one_sample_lable_size = 10
t10k-images-idx3-ubyte is in memory
t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte is in memory
lable_size = 10000
one_sample_lable_size = 10
Destructor load_mnist_dataset
Number of hidden layers is set to = 2
Size of hidden_layer[0][x] = 200
Size of hidden_layer[1][x] = 50
hidden_layer vector is now set up
Now setup all_weight, change_weights vectors size of this fc block
Size of temporary dummy_1D_weight_vector from input layer connection[0] is = 626
Size of temporary dummy_1D_weight_vector from hidden layer connection[1] is = 201
Size of temporary dummy_1D_weight_vector last hidden layer connection[1] is = 51
The size of all_weight and change_weights in now setup OK !
Note that the program how call this object could only set this size once. No protections against change size of the public vectors
Setup state = 2
Size of layer dimentions[] of weights at the this nn block = 3
Size of node dimentions[][] of weights for hidden layer number 0 is: 200
Size of weight dimentions[][][] of weights for hidden layer number 0 is: 626
Size of node dimentions[][] of weights for hidden layer number 1 is: 50
Size of weight dimentions[][][] of weights for hidden layer number 1 is: 201
Size of node dimentions[][] of weights for hidden layer number 2 is: 10
Size of weight dimentions[][][] of weights for hidden layer number 2 is: 51
Do you want to load kernel weights from saved weight file = Y/N
Load data weights ...
Load data finnish !
Load data weights ...
Load data finnish !
Do you want to randomize fully connected layers Y or N load weights = Y/N
Load data weights ...
Load data finnish !
convolution L1 L2 done, i = 0
convolution L1 L2 done, i = 5000
convolution L1 L2 done, i = 10000
convolution L1 L2 done, i = 15000
convolution L1 L2 done, i = 20000
convolution L1 L2 done, i = 25000
convolution L1 L2 done, i = 30000
convolution L1 L2 done, i = 35000
convolution L1 L2 done, i = 40000
convolution L1 L2 done, i = 45000
convolution L1 L2 done, i = 50000
convolution L1 L2 done, i = 55000
Epoch 20
input node [0] = -0
Output node [0] = 0.999982 Target node [0] = 1
Output node [1] = 2.74445e-11 Target node [1] = 0
Output node [2] = 5.86904e-18 Target node [2] = 0
Output node [3] = 1.214e-16 Target node [3] = 0
Output node [4] = 2.89755e-16 Target node [4] = 0
Output node [5] = 4.71768e-18 Target node [5] = 0
Output node [6] = 1.7847e-05 Target node [6] = 0
Output node [7] = 9.01904e-22 Target node [7] = 0
Output node [8] = 9.70303e-16 Target node [8] = 0
Output node [9] = 9.35446e-22 Target node [9] = 0
Training loss = 12983.6
correct_classify_cnt = 55207
correct_ratio = 92.0117
Output node [0] = 2.86153e-21 Target node [0] = 0
Output node [1] = 7.27001e-29 Target node [1] = 0
Output node [2] = 4.43993e-14 Target node [2] = 0
Output node [3] = 1 Target node [3] = 1
Output node [4] = 8.63952e-16 Target node [4] = 0
Output node [5] = 2.47903e-38 Target node [5] = 0
Output node [6] = 1.52137e-16 Target node [6] = 0
Output node [7] = 4.2724e-42 Target node [7] = 0
Output node [8] = 9.11557e-19 Target node [8] = 0
Output node [9] = 2.79191e-38 Target node [9] = 0
Verify loss = 787.037
Verify correct_classify_cnt = 8978
Verify correct_ratio = 89.78
Save data weights ...
Save data finnish !
Save kernel weight data weights ...
Save kernel weight data finnish !
Save kernel weight data weights ...
Save kernel weight data finnish !
Training loss = 826.443
correct_classify_cnt = 59731
correct_ratio = 99.5517
Verify loss = 80.0458
Verify correct_classify_cnt = 9910
Verify correct_ratio = 99.1