A plugin for IntelliJ IDEA & Android Studio to easily compile Java & Kotlin files to smali.
- 0
- 3
Strange bug when I trying to compile to Smali
#19 opened by donatexyz - 0
error in Android Studio
#35 opened by javaeryang - 0
Tons of errors
#34 opened by privacyguy123 - 1
.dex does not exist
#33 opened by mengzeng - 0
- 1
smali file doesn't open automatically
#31 opened by fachryansyah - 0
- 0
compile error in 2021.3.3 community edition
#29 opened by yeahlife - 4
Error after Android Studio 4.0 update
#20 opened by catcata7 - 3
My Issue is: is there a guide on how to convert from java to smali?
#28 opened by administratorgit101 - 0
- 3
Compile to smali does nothing
#15 opened by AndnixSH - 1
Compiling error on IntelliJ 2021.1.2
#26 opened by FelipeGPL - 14
Compile to smali fails on IntelliJ 2021.1
#24 opened by auermich93 - 1
dx errors don't interrupt plugin execution
#25 opened by ollide - 0
Compile to smali via commandline
#23 opened by JakedUp - 6
- 4
not able to use version 2.0.1 because I have to work with resource files name start with '$' sign
#21 opened by infahash - 1
Error:Abnormal build process termination
#17 opened by wzgiceman - 5
Error:Kotlin: Unsupported plugin option: org.jetbrains.kotlin.android:enabled=true
#16 opened by tea9 - 10
- 10
- 1
- 1
Compile to smali error on kaitlin file.(v1.6)
#13 opened by guobosheng - 1
.dex does not exist
#14 opened by lieyunye - 1
What version of android studio is compatible
#12 opened by waploaj - 3
Decompile anonymous inner classes
#10 opened by z3ntu - 0
Fatal error after compilation: Write access is allowed from write-safe contexts only
#6 opened by ollide - 1
code fails to compile
#5 opened - 1
- 1
Android studio 2.1
#4 opened by huangkeyuan