
Generates Slugs within ZF2 applications

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Scrutinizer Quality Score Build Status


A simple module that creates slugs.

If required, the slug generator ties into the DB adapter if required.


  1. Add the following requirement to your projects composer.json file.

Within the "repositories" section (create it as below if it doesn't exist):

Within the "require" section:

"olliebrennan/zf2-slug-generator": "dev-master"
  1. Open up your command line and run
php ./composer.phar update
  1. Add 'Zf2SlugGenerator' to your /config/application.config.php modules

Usage Example

Creating a basic slug

$service = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('Zf2SlugGenerator\SlugService');
$slug = $service->create('My String To Slug', false);

Calling a slug using your existing DB adapter

$service = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('Zf2SlugGenerator\SlugService')
$slug = $service->create('My String To Slug');