
A Go package for simple configuration parsing.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


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See godoc for package documentation.

envconf is a Go package that makes it easy to build explicitly typed, structured configuration objects without complex parsing of config files or command-line flags.

envconf is designed to pull configuration out of the process environment, but it can be given any function of the type func(string) string as an accessor to the raw config.

Deploy configurable applications without config files; use a shell script or an init file to set the appropriate config variables and envconf will do the rest of the work at runtime.

An example:

// This program will look up PORT, BIND and BLACKLIST in the process
// environment. If found, it will parse then and set the values on the
// serverConfig object.
package main

import "log"
import "github.com/ceralena/envconf"

func main() {
	var serverConfig struct {
		Port int    `required:"true"`
		Bind string `default:""`
		Blacklist []string
	if err := envconf.ReadConfigEnv(&serverConfig); err != nil {

You can alternatively call envconf.ReadConfigEnvPrefix() if you want simple namespacing of the environment variables:

// This program will look up MYSERVER_PORT, MYSERVER_BIND and
// MYSERVER_BLACKLIST in the process environment.
package main

import "log"
import "github.com/ceralena/envconf"

func main() {
	var serverConfig struct {
		Port int    `required:"true"`
		Bind string `default:""`
		Blacklist []string
	if err := envconf.ReadConfigEnvPrefix("MYSERVER_", &serverConfig); err != nil {


MIT license; see LICENSE.txt.