
Convert the Github public events into a firehose with different adapters

Primary LanguagePHP

Github firehose

Convert the Github public events API into a firehose and push to a variety of adapters


  • Clone the repo, git clone git@github.com:hootware/github-firehose.git, or download the latest release.
  • Copy the example-config.php file and rename to config.php
  • Get as many access tokens as you like, one will randomly be chosen (The more access tokens the more "real-time" the results can get. Instructions for getting access tokens.
  • Simply run php firehose.php


In your config you can specify an adapter, that must be the class name of the adapter within the Adapter directory, without the Adapter_ prefix. For instance the Stdout adapter is in the Adapter/Stdout.php file and has the class name Adapter_Stdout and is specified in the config as $adapterClass = 'Stdout';

To use an adapter simply extend the abstract Adapter class and place it in the Adapter directory. Name the class Adapter_<name> and name the file <name>.php.

Feel free to fork and add your own adapters and push them back to this repo :)