
consumer-driven contracts workshop, code examples and presentation

Primary LanguageJava

CDC Workshop Repository

cdc workshop Build Status


There is an address service which delivers addresses. This is the producer. In addition there is an invoice service which is a consumer of the address service.

Working with the code

To develop, run and build a JDK 8 is required. The build system is gradle. The services are implemented with spring boot.

Test the code

cd into the directory of your checkout.

To test all services:

$ ./gradlew clean test # for linux
$ ./gradlew.bat clean test # for windows

Run address-service

$ ./gradlew :address-service:bootRun
ctrl^c ends the running spring boot server

http://localhost:8888/addresses/ delivers the list of all addresses.

Run invoice-service

$ ./gradlew :invoice-service:bootRun

http://localhost:7777/invoices/ delivers the list of all invoices.

Working with the presentation

The presentation is written with asciidoctor

To generate the presentation:

$ ./gradlew asciidoctor

afterwards you can present with a browser (here we are using firefox):

$ firefox ./presentation/build/asciidoc/html5/presentation.html &