
Primary LanguageSCSSMIT LicenseMIT


Jekyll theme for use on some University of Helsinki courses.

The theme repository itself is also a Jekyll site demonstrating the use of the theme. See it on GitHub Pages.

Setup for existing site

This theme is currently not on RubyGems, and it is intended to be used via the jekyll-remote-theme plugin on GitHub Pages.

Add this to your _config.yml:

remote_theme: ollpu/jekyll-course-theme@v2

Make sure the jekyll-remote-theme plugin is installed and enabled. It is automatically enabled on GitHub Pages and when using gem "github-pages".

Set up new site

  1. Initialize Jekyll (optional)

    This step isn't strictly necessary if you don't want to develop the site locally. Start with an empty Git repository if you want to skip it.


    jekyll new --skip-bundle .
    rm -r 404.html index.* about.* _posts

    In Gemfile, comment out the lines

    gem "jekyll", "~> ..."
    gem "minima", "~> ..."
    # and
      gem "jekyll-feed", "~> ..."

    and uncomment the line

    # gem "github-pages", group: :jekyll_plugins

    If you are using Ruby 3, you might need to add this line to the end of the Gemfile as well:

    gem "webrick", "~> 1.3"

    Now run bundle install. The site can be tested locally with

    bundle exec jekyll serve --livereload
  2. Configure site

    Replace or create the file _config.yml with contents like this:

    title: Site Name
    subtitle: e.g. Spring 2023
    lang: en # Or fi for Finnish
    baseurl: "/site-name"
    url: "https://GITHUB_USER.github.io"
    # Uncomment to change the theme color:
    # theme-color: '#60a6ec'
    remote_theme: ollpu/jekyll-course-theme@v2
    markdown: kramdown
    highlighter: rouge
      input: GFM
      # Uncomment for Finnish quotes:
      # smart_quotes: rsquo,rsquo,rdquo,rdquo
    permalink: /:title/
    # If you want a collection of pages for course material:
      # In Finnish you might want to write e.g. "materiaali:" instead.
        output: true
        permalink: /:collection/:title/
    # Uncomment to hide the section submenus in navigation
    # for pages other than the current one:
    # hide_other_section_menus: true
          path: ""
          layout: "default"
  3. Copy 404 page

    Copy the file 404.md from the theme repository into yours. Or copy it from here:

    title: 404
    permalink: /404.html
    layout: 404
    hide: true
  4. Create index page

    Create a file 00-index.md with contents like this:

    title: Frontpage
    permalink: /
    # Site Name
  5. Deploy to GitHub Pages

    On your GitHub repository, go to https://github.com/GITHUB_USER/site-name/settings/pages.

    Set "Source" as "Deploy from a branch", select your main/master branch and click Save.

    Remember to configure a custom domain if applicable, and set that in _config.yml as well.


File names

Page order is determined by file names, so it is recommended to prefix names with a two-digit counter such as 00-index.md, 01-page.md etc., or have names like part-01.md, part-02.md etc. within a collection. For this to not be visible in the URL, set a permalink.

Freestanding pages should be placed in the root of the repository. Pages inside the course material collection should be placed under _material/ (or _materiaali/ depending on the name of collection).


Use Jekyll collections to group pages together in navigation.

If necessary, you can define multiple collections. In this case you should add an order key to specify their order:

    order: 1
    output: true
    permalink: /:collection/:title/
    order: 2
    output: true
    permalink: /:collection/:title/

Page front matter

Jekyll pages start with "front matter", a block of yaml delimited by lines of ---. The following keys are relevant with this theme:

  • title: Title of the page. Used for the <title> tag and in navigation.

  • permalink: The URL of the page. Can be used with freestanding pages to set a specific URL, which is otherwise deduced from the file name.

    Always prefer having a trailing slash in the permalink, like /help/. This is the only way to ensure both /help/ and /help work, possibly via redirect.

  • slug: The name of the page in the URL, i.e. /material/[slug]/. Works only with collections, but there this can be used to change the last part of the URL without specifying the whole path.

  • sections: A list of sections on the page to form a submenu in navigation. Each item should correspond to an anchor on the page.


      - Section one
      - Section two
    ## Section one
    ## Section two

    In some cases, such as when there are underscores in the name, the automatic conversion will be incorrect. In this case, or if a different name is otherwise desired, the title and anchor ID can be specified separately:

      - Section one
      - title: Section_two
        anchor: section_two
    ## Section one
    ## Section_two
  • hide: Setting this to true will hide the page from navigation.

  • layout: There is currently only one layout, default, other than the special collection layout.

All material on one page

The collection layout can be used form a page that contains all pages from a specific collection. For example, create a file all-material.md in the root of the repository with the following content:

title: All Material
permalink: /material/all/
hide: true

layout: collection
collection-label: material # Name of the collection to include

Any content after the front matter in all-material.md will be put on the start of the page.


See these content elements in action on the gallery page.

  • Paragraph note

    {: .note }
    Paragraph text...
  • Block note (more/other than one paragraph)

    <div class="note" markdown="1">
    Block content...
  • Note with title (works with paragraphs or blocks)

    {: .note-title }
    {: .note }
  • Use the console highlighter with appropriate flags for prompts.


    sqlite> SELECT * FROM x;


    >>> print("test")
  • Adding line numbers to code blocks requires a separate syntax, which doesn't work with the above console?lang=.

    {% highlight python linenos %}
    def main():
        # This is line 2
    {% endhighlight %}
  • Title for code block, e.g. the name of the file

    {: .code-title }
  • Surround text in a paragraph with $$ for inline math. Start a paragraph with $$ on its own line for block math.

    Inline $$\KaTeX$$ math
  • Database table with title

    {: .inline title="Kurssit" }
    | id  | op |
    | --- | -- |
    | 111 | 5  |
    | 222 | 10 |
    | 333 | 5  |
  • Table with minimum cell width. Class cell-w-n, n=1..16.

    {: .cell-w-4 }
    | A | B  |
    | 1 | 12 |

The {: } syntax is a Kramdown Inline Attribute List.



  • Dark theme
    • Activated automatically via media query prefers-color-scheme or can be changed by clicking on the "sun" icon in the header.


  • Initial version
  • Minor fixes and adjustments


The theme is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.