
A simple note app, which demonstrates connecting to Firestore Cloud DB. Implemented using MVVM with Clean Architecture, RXJava and Koin.

Primary LanguageKotlin


A simple example project to demo Firebase setup integrating Cloud Firestore.


In this project, a user can add a title and description to a note and add it to the recyclerview. The note will be saved in Firestore DB and the user will be alerted with a Toast message of the status.

All notes are automatically requested unordered when first fetched in the onStart() method, but a user can manually request all the notes by clicking the Load by date added button - which will also order the notes by date added (descending order). This is to demonstrate a simple sort filter.

A user can click on a note to reveal an alert dialog with further options, such as; updating a description, deleting a description, and deleting a note in the list.


In order for you to use this project, you will need to follow the necessary steps to setup Firebase. The project itself is already configured for you. I found this video useful when setting up Firebase. You will need to do this in order to generate your google-services.json file. Once you have done this and added it to the root of the app module of the project, you will just need to create the Cloud Firestore database, which is only a couple of clicks and done inside of Firebase. Once this is done, you should be good to go!

Firestore collection name: Notebook

Main components include; Clean Architecture with MVVM repository pattern, LiveData, navigation graph, RXJava, RecyclerView, Unit and Instrument tests.