Experienced Software Engineer with a demonstrated history of working in the tech industry, for more than 4 years. Skilled in building well-architected software
BrainWorks JapanNairobi
ollyimanishimwe's Following
- AlainK22Kigali, Rwanda
- alexathylane
- API-Imperfect@andela
- apourchetAlgoExpert, LLC
- armic@algoexpert-io
- chrissiemhrk@octangroup
- clementmihailescuAlgoExpert
- Crispy-rwAmpersand Ltd
- CyebukayireEmory University
- descholar-ceoKigali, Rwanda
- EgahiLagos, Nigeria
- florinpop17iCodeThis.com
- gerayo-ltdKigali, Rwanda
- giaungo
- hetelekTesla
- inezabonte@relevantbits
- jwashamUnited States
- KalleHalldenElite Athlete Coaching
- kamranahmedseroadmap.sh
- kenessajr@pindoio
- knowbeehome
- kunal-kushwahaCivo
- minega25Rwanda Kigali
- nelhageSan Francisco
- NeuralNineNeuralNine
- nicknochnackSydney, Australia
- NyandwiCargenie Mellon
- oesukamKigali, Kinshasa
- pcStripe
- QuincyLarson@freeCodeCamp
- SafeKevin
- SanKleinTwos Technologies
- saviomartinKerala, India
- theja-mHyderabad
- torvaldsLinux Foundation
- TylerLeonhardt@Microsoft @Visual-Studio-Code