
Creating Container Images in AWS Fargate with Kaniko

Building container images on AWS Fargate with Kaniko

This repository contains an example ECS task definition that you can use to run the Google Kaniko container image builder inside of an Amazon ECS task on AWS Fargate. This repository is related to the blog on the same topic Building container images on Amazon ECS on AWS Fargate

Why is this needed?

Traditional container image builders (docker build) can not run in the default isolation boundary of a container without additional privileges or without access to the underlying container runtime. In AWS Fargate, as you are not able to run a container with additional privileges and you are not able to access the underlying container runtime a rootless builder is required.


This repository contains a task definition and a run task instruction for Amazon ECS. This run task call could be triggered be a CI pipeline easily enough.


This repository assumes some core AWS infrastructure is in place.

  • An existing VPC, Subnet and Security Group (No inbound access is required in the security group). The values in kaniko-runtask.json need to be replaced with your appropriate values.
  • An existing Amazon ECS Cluster to place the task.
  • An Amazon ECR Repository to push the sample application container image too.
  • An IAM Role to be used as a Amazon ECS task execution role

Create the IAM Task Role

The task IAM role provides permissions to the application within our container. In this context the application is kaniko and it will need the relevant IAM permissions to push a container image to an Amazon ECR Repository.

  1. Create the IAM Task Role
aws iam create-role \
    --role-name AmazonEcsKanikoTaskRole \
    --assume-role-policy-document file://iam-trust-policy.json
  1. Attach a policy with the permissions to push container image to ECR to the Kaniko Task Role.
aws iam attach-role-policy \
    --role-name AmazonEcsKanikoTaskRole \
    --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryPowerUser

Create a Cloudwatch Log Group

Next we will create a Cloudwatch Log Group with a short retention policy for our build logs to go to.

aws logs create-log-group \
    --log-group-name /aws/ecs/service/kaniko

aws logs put-retention-policy \
    --log-group-name /aws/ecs/service/kaniko \
    --retention-in-days 7

Create ECS Task Definition

The "commands" in the kaniko container definition set the build context and the location of the Dockerfile. These will need to be updated depending on the layout of your application repository.

aws ecs register-task-definition \
    --family kaniko-builder \
    --cli-input-json file://kaniko-taskdef.json

Run the Task

Finally we can run the ECS Task. This Run Task definition will also need to updated with the relevant AWS VPC, Subnet, Security Group and ECS Cluster.

aws ecs run-task \
    --task-definition kaniko-builder \
    --cli-input-json file://kaniko-runtask.json

Now you can monitor the build in Cloudwatch Logs and watch the ECR repository for your new container image :)


  1. Delete the Amazon ECS Task IAM Role
aws iam detach-role-policy \
    --role-name AmazonEcsKanikoTaskRole \
    --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryPowerUser

aws iam delete-role \
    --role-name AmazonEcsKanikoTaskRole
  1. Remove the Cloudwatch Log Group
aws logs delete-log-group \
    --log-group-name /aws/ecs/service/kaniko
  1. Deregister the Task Definition
TASK_DEFS=$(aws ecs list-task-definitions --family-prefix kaniko-builder | jq -r '.taskDefinitionArns.[]')
for TASK_DEF in $TASK_DEFS; do aws ecs deregister-task-definition --task-definition $TASK_DEF; done