OWGIS is a Java web application that can generate well designed and self contained WebGIS sites in a very easy way.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


For more info please visit owgis.org!

What is OWGIS?

OWGIS is a Java web application that creates WebGIS sites by automatically writing HTML and JavaScript code.

We built OWGIS because we wanted an easy way to publish scientific maps on the web. OWGIS provides a self-contained WebGIS sites that can be easily customized. OWGIS can publish any type of georeferenced data served by a WMS server like Geoserver or ncWMS. The later uses an extension of the WMS standard to serve 3D or 4D data stored as NetCDF files.

The default template of OWGIS can be tested here.

Each WebGIS site is configured by two types of files, a Java properties file stored at web/WEB-INF/conf/MapViewConfig.properties and XML files located at web/layers/TestLayers.xml. With these two files you can create new maps with many layers and customize the look of your map.

For a detailed information on the configuration files please read the tutorials section at owgis.org.

Quick Start

Quick start using ant

Quick start using Netbeans


Step 1. Clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/olmozavala/OWGIS_V2.git OWGISV2Template

Step 2. Edit buildTemplate.xml to match your paths, mainly the Tomcat folder.

Step 3. Build your war file:

ant -f buildTemplate.xml dist

Step 3. Deploy the project in your servlet container, like Tomcat

cp OWGISV2Template.war /usr/local/tomcat/webapps

Step 4. Test your OWGIS Template at http://localhost:8080/OWGISV2Template/mapviewer

Once OWGIS template is working, you can modify the layers shown in the map as well as the look of the website by following the documentation at owgis.org.


Building a Netbeans project for OWGIS is very easy.

Step 1. Clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/olmozavala/OWGIS_V2.git OWGISV2Template

Step 3. Create new project in Netbeans

Delete `buildTemplate.xml` file (from OWGISV2Template directory)
File -> New Project (Ctrl-Shift-N)
Java Web -> Web Application with Existing Sources (Next)
Location: point to the root folder "OWGISV2Template" (Next)
Select your server (Tomcat, JBOSS, etc.) (Next)
If not set by default set:
    Web Pages Folder -> OWGISV2Template/web
    Web-INF Folder  -> OWGISV2Template/web/WEB-INF
    Libraries Folder -> OWGISV2Template/libraries 
    Source package folders -> OWGISV2Template/src/java (Finish)

Step 3. Common Netbeans configuration (in Project Properties)

Sources -> Change source to JDK 7 if necessary
Run -> Relative URL -> /mapviewer (Ok)

Step 4. Test your OWGIS Template at http://localhost:8080/OWGISV2Template/mapviewer

Once OWGIS template is working, you can modify the layers shown in the map as well as the look of the website by following the documentation at owgis.org.

Mobile Interface

The mobile interface for OWGIS_V2 can be triggered by deploying the project and accessing the above mentioned URL through the web browser of your Mobile Phone.

To use the Mobile Interface as an installable Mobile App, refer the following process:

Step 1: Get Android SDK

Install the latest Android SDK onto your machine (http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html)

Step 2: Get Titanium Studio

Download and install Titanium Studio http://www.appcelerator.com/titanium/download-titanium/ (Sign-up for Free)
You will be prompted to select the location of Android SDK

Step 3: Get OWGIS_Mob

Download the project OWGIS_Mob and import it in Titanium Studio
Download link: https://github.com/harshulpandav/OWGIS_Mob

Step 4: Configure OWGIS_Mob

Configure the URL on which your OWGIS_V2 is running
    Press Ctrl+Shift+R and type "app.js"
    Change the URL within Titanium.UI.createWebView({ .. }) 

Step 5: Run OWGIS_Mob

Connect your Android device in debug mode to the computer
Run the project by Right click > Run As > (Select your device if connected)    



** Olmo Zavala**

** Harshul Pandav**

** Vladimir Mijail**

** Ixchel Zazueta**

** Pablo Camacho**


OWGIS is licensed under the MIT Open Source license. For more information, see the LICENSE file in this repository.