The objective of this homework is to practice what we have learned so far with Git, GitHub and Python, and apply it to analyze 2-lead electrocardiogram data.
For this assignment you need to make a markdown report file called
the answers to the questions below and the code you used to solve them. For the
auto-grading to work properly, all of your answers must be written in a file called
in the 'root' folder of this repo (except the last question).
Please provide a description and summary of the database used in this homework. How many records are there? How many measurements per record? What is the sampling frequency? What are the symbols used in the annotations and what do they mean?
- Make a function called
that receives a path to a folder that contains a list of ECG records (hea files), and returns a list of dictionaries containing the record files and the correspondingWFDB Record
andWFDB Annotation
In your report please describe the information contained in a WFDB Record
and WFDB Annotation
Example dictionary: (please use the same keys 'file_name', 'record_obj' and 'annot_obj')
output = [{'file_name':'file1',
- Make a function called
that receives one WFDB Record
and returns in a dictionary:
- heart_beats --> the number of labeled heart beats (all labels except '+')
mean_heart_rate --> the mean heart rate in bpm
$\frac{heart beats}{min}$ , consider the sampling frequency and the time of the last record sample (record.sample[-1]
). - perc_normal_beats --> the percentage of normal heart beats (labeled with 'N')
Example dictionary (please use the same keys):
output = {'heart_beats': 303,
'mean_heart_rate': 80,
'perc_normal_beats': .70
Inside a JupyterNotebook file (not the same
) create an Ipwidget that uses a list of hea files (previously loaded from a path pointing to a list of ECG files, like test_folder/Data
and allows the user to:
- Select from a Dropdown which file to open.
- Select with an FloatSlider which minute of the file to display.
- Select with an IntSlider the number of seconds to display.
- Visualize the two leads and the sum of the two leads in a single plot.
Examples of the widget (this widget doesn't have the proper conversion to minutes for the two sliders):
Include in your widget the corresponding label assigned to each beat in the selected time interval.