
Small API that handles automatically scrolling of Toolbar, TabLayout, Material BottomSheet and BottomNavigationView in every fragment of an activity. After a fast setup, the library will automatically animate the Toolbar, TabLayout, the BottomSheet, the NavigationBar and the FloatingActionButton depending on how you setup the library.

Primary LanguageKotlin

Scroll Helper

Small API that handles automatically scrolling of Toolbar, TabLayout, Material BottomSheet and BottomNavigationView in every fragment of an activity. After a fast setup, the library will automatically animate the Toolbar, TabLayout, the BottomSheet, the NavigationBar and the FloatingActionButton depending on how you setup the library.


Getting started

Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }

Step 2. Add the dependency

implementation 'com.github.ologe:scroll-helper:1.1.5'


  • Extend ScrollHelper class and override all abstract methods.

Then instantiate the class in onCreate or your activity

class MyActivity : AppCompatActivity(){
    private lateinit var scrollHelper: SuperCerialScrollHelper
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        val scrollType = ScrollType.Full(
             slidingPanel = slidingPanel,
             bottomNavigation = bottomNavigation,
             toolbarHeight = dimen(R.dimen.toolbar),
             tabLayoutHeight = dimen(R.dimen.tabLayout),
             realSlidingPanelPeek = dimen(R.dimen.sliding_panel)
        scrollHelper = SuperCerialScrollHelper(
            activity = this, 
            scrollType = scrollType, 
            enableClipRecursively = true
        // register to lifecycle updates, or call manually onStart, onStop and onDestroy on `scrollHelper`

Your activity.xml should be similar to this:

  • CoordinatorLayout has to be the root view to enable BottomSheet.
  • The sliding panel must have app:layout_behavior="com.google.android.material.bottomsheet.BottomSheetBehavior"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

            android:layout_height="match_parent" />


<!--       bottom sheet content-->


            android:layout_gravity="bottom" />


Caveats, Additional Features and Customization

  • All the needed insets of RecyclerView and FAB will be applied automatically to avoid overlapping with the moving views.
  • Every recycler view that want to support scroll helper has to use one of following layout managers or subclass, this is because the library has to know when recycler view is overscrolling, otherwise a runtime exception will be thrown:
    • dev.olog.scrollhelper.layoutmanagers.OverScrollLinearLayoutManager
    • dev.olog.scrollhelper.layoutmanagers.OverScrollGridLayoutManager
    • dev.olog.scrollhelper.layoutmanagers.OverScrollStaggeredGridLayoutManager
  • The library provides 4 behaviors (see the sample app):
    • Full scroll (toolbar, tab layout, BottomSheet and bottom navigation)
    • BottomSheet only (toolbar, tab layout and BottomSheet)
    • BottomNavigationView only (toolbar, tab layout, BottomNavigationView)
    • TabLayout and Toolbar only