
Perl code ported from the book's C

Primary LanguagePerl

Creating Rhythms

Perl code ported from the book's C


(NB: Arguments are sometimes switched between book and software.)

chsequl.pl      - Generate the upper or lower Christoffel word for p/q
chsequl-sets.pl - Generate sets of Christoffel words
compam.pl       - Generate compositions of n with m parts from the set (p1 p2 ...).
compa.pl        - Generate compositions of n with allowed parts pi.
compm.pl        - Generate all compositions of n into m parts.
comp.pl         - Generate all compositions of n.
debruijn.pl     - Generate the largest de Bruijn sequence of order n.
euclid.pl       - Generate a Euclidean rhythm given n onsets distributed over m beats.
neckam.pl       - Generate binary necklaces of length n with m ones and allowed parts pi.
necka.pl        - Generate binary necklaces of length n with allowed parts pi.
neckm.pl        - Generate all binary necklaces of length n with m ones.
neck.pl         - Generate all binary necklaces of length n.
partam.pl       - Generate all partitions of n with m parts from the set (p1 p2 ...).
parta.pl        - Generate all partitions of n with allowed parts pi.
partm.pl        - Generate all partitions of n into m parts.
part.pl         - Generate all partitions of n.
permi.pl        - Generate permutations of the given strings.
reverse_at.pl   - Reverse a part of a bitstring at n.
rotate.pl       - Rotate a binary necklace of the given 0/1 parts n times.