
JS object validator

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


JS object validator

WARNING: BREAKING CHANGES! The package has been rewritten. New version is exported under v1. To keep backward compatibility, old version is exported as before. Old README is available under tha name READMEv0.md

The new version is not compatible with the old one. Some of new features/changes:

  • Callbacks are used to allow asynchronous validation.
  • New custom method (validateBefore, validateAfter, etc.) signatures (all options are passed as object)
  • Constraint names are changed (e.g. min -> minValue (number) / minLength (array))
  • Some error codes are replaced/changed, new ones are introduced
  • extraData is renamed to info
  • path is now always an array and there is no root element now


const {createValidator} = require('iamvalidator').v1;
const DB = require('../lib/database');

const UserValidator = createValidator({
  type: 'object',
  fields: {
    nickname: {
      type: 'string',           // Nickname must be a string
      minLength: 4,                   // with a minimum length of 4
      maxLength: 20,                  // and maximum length of 20
      regexp: /^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$/ // consisting of latin letters, digits and underscores
    password: {
      type: 'string', // password must be a string
      minLength: 8,         // with a minimum length of 8
      maxLength: 32,        // and maximum length of 32
      validate: (pwd, done) => {
        // A password must contain at least one digin
        if (!/[0-9]/.test(pwd)) {
          done({code: 'PASSWORD_HAS_NO_DIGITS'});


        // A password must contain at least one lowercase letter
        if (!/[a-z]/.test(pwd)) {
          done({code: 'PASSWORD_HAS_NO_LOWERCASE_LETTERS'});


        // A password must contain at least one uppercase letter
        if (!/[A-Z]/.test(pwd)) {
          done({code: 'PASSWORD_HAS_NO_UPPERCSE_LETTERS'});


        done(null, pwd);
      transformAfter: async (pwd, done) => {
        try {
          const salt = await DB.from('salt').select('value').where('type', '=', "'password'");

          // A password must be hashed after validation
          done(null, Crypto.createHash('sha1').update(pwd).update(salt).digest('hex'));
        } catch (err) {
          done({code: 'INTERNAL_ERROR'});
    kittens: {
      type: 'number',
      minValue: 0,
      transformBefore: (count, done) => {
        // A value may be passed as a string, and it will be converted to number before any validation
        done(null, Number(count));

let user1 = {
  nickname: 'Vasia',
  password: 'pwd123PWD',
  kittens: 1

let user2 = {
  nickname: 'Petia)))',
  password: 'pwd321PWD',
  kittens: 0

let user3 = {
  nickname: 'Slava',
  password: '123',
  kittens: '0'

let user4 = {
  nickname: 'Slava',
  password: 123,
  kittens: '2'

UserValidator.validate(user1, (err, result) => {
  console.log(err, result);

  /* null, {
    nickname: 'Vasia',
    password: 'f3e4c83aa7c6a1da18f1facf63dcdf21c3f8a881'
  } */

UserValidator.validate(user2, (err, result) => {
  console.log(err, result);

  /* {
    code: 'INVALID_STRING',
    data: 'Petia)))',
    path: ['nickname'],
    info: {}
  } */

UserValidator.validate(user3, (err, result) => {
  console.log(err, result);

  /* {
    data: '123',
    path: ['password'],
    info: {}
  } */

UserValidator.validate(user4, (err, result) => {
  console.log(err, result);

  /* {
    code: 'TYPE_MISMATCH',
    data: 123,
    path: ['password'],
    info: {
      expectedType: 'string'
  } */


createValidator(template, {customTypes = [], maxDelayNsecs = 1000000} = {})

Creates a validator. Accepts validation template, an object in the following form:

  type: <type>,
  missingStartegy: [MissingStrategy], // optional
  extraStrategy: [ExtraStrategy], // optional
  defaultValue: [default_value], // optional, only required if missingStartegy is MissingStrategy.Default
  values: Array|Set, // optional, an array or set of values allowed, only valid for types 'string', 'boolean', 'number'
  validateBefore: (data, done, options) => {}, // optional, a custom validation function called before other validators
  validateAfter: (data, done, options) => {}, // optional, a custom validation function called after other validators
  transformBefore: (data, done, options) => {}, // optional, a custom function to transform the object before validation
  transformAfter: (data, done, options) => {}, // optional, a custom function to transform the object after validation
  // ...fields specific for the <type>

validateBefore validates data after checking the type, but before any default validators. validateAfter validates data after default validators, just before transformAfter.


  type: 'string',
  regexp: /\d+/,
  transformAfter: (value, done) => done(null, Number(value))

validate(data, done, {context = {}, maxDelayNsecs = validatorMaxDelayMsecs} = {})

Performs validation.

  • data -- data to be validated
  • done -- callback function called after validation with either (null, newData) or (error)

Possible options are:

  • context -- a context passed to custom validation functions (empty array by default)
  • maxDelayNsecs -- if validation takes longer than this value (in nanoseconds), next portion of validation will be delayed until next event loop iteration if possible


Constant containing the error codes:

    BooleanNotInValues: 'BOOLEAN_NOT_IN_VALUES',
    CustomError: 'CUSTOM_ERROR',
    ExtraFields: 'EXTRA_FIELDS',
    InvalidArrayLength: 'INVALID_ARRAY_LENGTH',
    InvalidNumber: 'INVALID_NUMBER',
    InvalidString: 'INVALID_STRING',
    InvalidStringLength: 'INVALID_STRING_LENGTH',
    MissingField: 'MISSING_FIELD',
    NumberNotInteger: 'NUMBER_NOT_INTEGER',
    NumberNotInValues: 'NUMBER_NOT_IN_VALUES',
    NoMatchingVariant: 'NO_MATCHING_VARIANT',
    StringNotInValues: 'STRING_NOT_IN_VALUES',
    TypeMismatch: 'TYPE_MISMATCH',
    UnallowedNull: 'UNALLOWED_NULL'


There are several builtin types.


A JavaScript object.


  type: 'object',
  fields: {
    // nested fields


A JavaScript array.


  type: 'array',
  element: {
    // element definition


A string.


  type: 'string',
  minLength: [M], // optional, minimum string length
  maxLength: [N], // optional, maximum string length
  length: [K], // optional, exact string length
  regexp: [R] // optional, a regular expression to match the string against


A number.


  type: 'number',
  minValue: [M], // optional, minimum value
  maxValue: [N], // optional, maximum value
  isInteger: [true|false] // optional, specifies if number must be an integer


A boolean.


  type: 'boolean'


Used to validate against multiple templates. The result of first successful validation is used.


  type: 'variant',
  variants: [{
    type: 'string',
    regexp: /\d+/,
    transformAfter: (data, done) => done(null, Number(value))
  }, {
    type: 'number'

If hint function is provided to template variants, raw data is checked against that function. Templates with hint returning false-ish values are excluded from validation. Templates are used in the same order they are specified. This may be used to optimize large template validation. Example:

  type: 'object',
  hint: (rawValue, done) => done(rawValue.kind === 'KIND_A'),
  fields: {
    kind: {
      type: 'string',
      values: ['KIND_A']
    // Dozens of fields for kind A
}, {
  type: 'object',
  hint: (rawValue, done) => done(rawValue.kind === 'KIND_B'),
  fields: {
    kind: {
      type: 'string',
      values: ['KIND_B']
    // Dozens of fields for kind B, different from the ones for kind A

If no variant matches the data, a NoMatchingVariant error occurs.



Any type can be allowed to be null.


  type: 'string',
  isNullable: true

Object prototype (class) as "type"


class CustomClass {
  constructor() {

  type: CustomClass

customTypes may be used to validate instances of a class and preserve them as is. If no validator is specified, 'object' validator is used by default. This leads to loss of some properties (like instance methods) as objects are mapped (no reference equality of input and output data).