The simple binary system is a simple realisation java of the binary numerical system. This allows to manipulate of binary digits and bit logical operations.
- About
- Demo
- Features
- Getting Started
- Built With
- Contributing
- Code of Conduct
- Versioning
- Authors
- Licensing
The simple binary system is a simple realisation java of the binary numerical system. This allows to manipulate of binary digits and bit logical operations.
Initially, there was a need to store and manipulate bits, but in Java there is no such type of data. Bits can be stored in different ways and work with them as well. This library helps to unify the process of working with bit operations.
This project was conceived as a simple implementation of a binary calculus system with signed and unsigned data types.
The demonstration shows binary AND
operation with 2 bytes.
- The library with binary digits realisations, simple base binary opertations realisations.
- For more information on an upcoming development, please read the todo list.
- For more information on a releases, a features and a changes, please read the changelog notes.
These instructions allow to get a copy of this project and run it on a local machine.
Before using it, make sure that follows software are installed on the local machine:
- Oracle JDK 9+ - the java development kit.
Not for usage yet
For the cloning this repository to a local machine, just use the follows link:
Not for usage yet
- Maven - Dependency Management.
If you want to contribute this project - you are welcome and have fun. Please visit the contributing section for details on this code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests.
In order to ensure that all is welcoming, please review and abide by the code of conduct.
For the versioning is used Semantic Versioning. For the versions available, see the changelog or the tags on this repository.
- Alexander A. Kropotin - Initial work - ololx.
This project is licensed under the MIT license - see the lisence document for details.