- Ruby 2.0.0 p195
- Redis 2.4.2 (brew install redis (OS X only))
- MySQL 5.1.49 on Ubuntu 11.04
- libqt4-dev
- libmysqlclient-dev
- libcurl3-gnutls
- ImageMagick
- Memcached 1.4.5
- PhantomJS (New)
run ./bootstrap.sh
To start Redis and one worker that can process jobs from all queues:
- redis-server
- QUEUE=* bundle exec rake environment resque:work RAILS_ENV=development
To start a queue for the delayed/scheduled jobs:
- bundle exec rake environment resque:scheduler
- rails server
- rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test
- rspec spec
- If tests break on Linux due to issues with Database Cleaner, tweak my.cnf increasing the size of max_allowed_packet should fix them.
- sudo apt-get install mysql-server-5.1
Download the package dmg and install
- sudo apt-get install qt4-dev-tools libqt4-dev libqt4-core libqt4-gui
- bundle
- sudo apt-get install memcached
- bundle
- brew install qt
- bundle
- brew install memcached
- bundle
- ssh -i ~/.ec2/gsg-keypair root@homolog.olook.com.br -A
- ssh -i ~/.ec2/gsg-keypair root@resque01.olook.com.br -A
Set ssh-agent
check if ssh-agent is running. It should be running since most OSes start them on ssh connection.
Run to config keys in your machine
bash bootstrap.sh development
-Deploy staging env ALL hosts -Default branch set to master
cap deploy
cap deploy FILTER=development
cap deploy FILTER=homolog
homolog specific branch:
cap -S branch=YOUR_BRANCH deploy FILTER=homolog
production app01:
RUBBER_ENV=production FILTER=app01 cap deploy
production app02:
RAILS_ENV=production FILTER=app02 cap deploy
production only resques:
RUBBER_ENV=production ROLES=resque cap deploy
Deploy with migrations:
RUBBER_ENV=production cap deploy:migrations
If you need to deploy a different branch:
cap -S branch=<your_branch_name> deploy
- run the following command inside the project directory
rvm --rvmrc --create 1.9.3@olook
- create a file named .rspec inside the project directory with the following content:
--color --format Fuubar --drb
The parameter color will color the output, format 'documentation' shows the tests description instead of dots and drb will try to use spork if available.
- create a file named .git/hooks/pre-commit inside project directory with the following content:
- after creating it, execute the command 'chmod +x .git/hooks/pre-commit'
files_modified=`git status --porcelain | egrep "^(A |M |R ).*" | awk ' { if ($3 == "->") print $4; else print $2 } '`
for f in $files_modified; do
echo "Checking ${f}..."
if [[ $f == *.rb || $f == *.haml || $f == *.erb ]]; then
if grep --color -n "binding.pry" $f; then
echo "File ${f} failed - found 'binding.pry'"
exit 1
if grep --color -n "debugger" $f; then
echo "File ${f} failed - found 'debugger'"
exit 1