- 3
Loading minim-mp yields error
#198 opened by bytex0a - 1
\begmulti with math
#197 opened by gromadan - 0
iso690 generic entry ignores year
#188 opened by johannesneyer - 4
allocation of user defined whatsits
#187 opened by Udi-Fogiel - 1
setting horigin to (1in,1in)
#182 opened by Udi-Fogiel - 4
Vlna package missing a small 'a' letter.
#178 opened by vojta-horanek - 0
Colors and overriding them
#177 opened by vlasakm - 1
ISO 690: @book: Avoid extra space before dot after year when numbering missing
#176 opened by neumannjan - 6
A bug in `\replstring`
#173 opened by Udi-Fogiel - 0
Using `\hpack` and `\vpack` for fake boxes
#171 opened by Udi-Fogiel - 6
strange kerning after some letters in math
#152 opened by gromadan - 6
- 0
- 2
Adding `\pgforeground` to the output routine
#163 opened by Udi-Fogiel - 5
Add equivalent to `\providecommand` from LaTeX
#159 opened by robertbachmann - 2
expandability of a macro defined with \optdef
#161 opened by Udi-Fogiel - 6
ligatures interupts colors
#153 opened by Udi-Fogiel - 4
- 2
\magscale and PDF paper size
#137 opened by mattiasmarka - 3
wrong catcodes for unicode chars
#149 opened by Udi-Fogiel - 2
Backwards incompatible changes in bibliography
#142 opened by vlasakm - 2
Interaction of verbatim and lists
#141 opened by vlasakm - 0
Labels printed by `\showlabels` are not blue
#139 opened by vlasakm - 1
`print-unimath.opm`: Missing `\mith`
#131 opened by dousamichal0807 - 3
script and script-script math sizes are not configurable
#129 opened by cao- - 1
Unexpected behaviour when ttline>0
#121 opened by robertbachmann - 2
Idea: Add \texorpdfstring
#49 opened by robertbachmann - 2
Wrong \foreach while loading some libraries in tikz
#108 opened by cao- - 2
Example code for running head on page 127 of the manual
#100 opened by pkvil - 2
- 2
Make OpTeX compatible with minim
#76 opened by vlasakm - 4
Execute \byehook only after all pages are shipped
#96 opened by vlasakm - 1
Don't unconditionally `\openref` in `\refdecl`?
#75 opened by vlasakm - 5
Colors and \pdfrestore
#82 opened by gromadan - 1
Typo in optex/base/languages.opm
#86 opened by avenant - 1
Problem with color of some text nodes in Tikz
#73 opened by ldonetti - 2
Curly braces not working with unicode fonts
#81 opened by gromadan - 3
\square not working with unicode fonts
#80 opened by gromadan - 5
- 4
Move `f-<fontfam>` files to their own directory
#70 opened by vlasakm - 3
Inline verbatim in tables
#66 opened by vlasakm - 5
Compatibility with PGF/TikZ
#61 opened by vlasakm - 7
- 1
\today macro (month)
#56 opened by neumannjan - 2
`%%` comments in printdoc
#50 opened by robertbachmann - 1
- 4
\printdoc does not handle TAB correctly
#51 opened by robertbachmann - 4
[bug] "undefined control sequence" error with an "incollection" bibliography entry
#44 opened by neumannjan - 2
\hisyntax does not work in \slides
#43 opened by robertbachmann - 2
Disable \sb replacement in verbatim
#42 opened by cao-