
.NET Core global tool that converts ReSharper inspect code report to SonarQube format

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Build status Quality Gate NuGet

.NET Core global tool that converts ReSharper inspect code report to SonarQube format or Roslyn Static Code Analysis Results Format.


dotnet tool install --global dotnet-reqube


dotnet-reqube [Options]

  -i, --input        Required. ReSharper report in XML format.
  -o, --output       Required. SonarQube report file name.
  -d, --directory    Directory where reports will be saved. Working directory will be used if not set.
  -p, --project      Project to create SonarQube report for. If not set, a report is written for all projects found in
                     the solution.
  -f, --format       (Default: Generic) SonarQube report output format.
  --exclude-rules    Specify the ReSharper rules to exclude from the analysis (Issue[TypeId] from ReSharper's output).
                     The format is <type id>[##<message regex>]|<type id>[##<message regex>]...E.g. CSharpErrors##The
                     modifier 'public'.*|UnusedMemberInSuper.Global|NotAccessedField.Global
  --sonar-dir        The path to the .sonarqube directory of the executing sonar analysis.
  --help             Display this help screen.
  --version          Display version information.

Create report for all projects in a solution: dotnet-reqube -i ResharperReport.xml -o SonarQubeReportFileName.json -d Path\To\Output\Directory

Create report for a single project in a solution: dotnet-reqube -i ReSharperReport.xml -o SonarQubeReportFileName.json -d Path\To\Output\Directory -p ProjectToReport

Roslyn Analyzers Format

dotnet-reqube also supports the generation of the files in accordance to the format used by the Roslyn Analyzers. It allows specifying a description and thus adding a link to the ReSharper site with the rules.

dotnet-reqube -i ResharperReport.xml -o SonarQubeReportFileName.json -f Roslyn

<ProjectName> can be used as a placeholder in the output file name and will be replaced with the name of the project for which a report is generated.


dotnet-reqube -i ResharperReport.xml -o "<ProjectName>.dll.ReSharper.RoslynCA.json" -f Roslyn

To send the generated Roslyn-like reports to SonarQube/SonarCloud, using sonarscanner, you have two options:

  • Modify its SonarQube.Integration.targets file (located in <UserProfile>/.dotnet/tools/.store/dotnet-sonarscanner <version>\dotnet-sonarscanner<version>\tools\netcoreapp3.0\any\Targets).

    Find the line <SonarCompileErrorLog>$(TargetDir)$(TargetFileName).RoslynCA.json</SonarCompileErrorLog> and add <SonarReSharperErrorLog>$(TargetDir)$(TargetFileName).ReSharper.RoslynCA.json</SonarReSharperErrorLog> after it.

    Note: If you use output file different from <ProjectName>.dll.ReSharper.RoslynCA.json, then $(TargetFileName).ReSharper.RoslynCA.json should be adjusted accordingly.

    In the same targets file, find <SonarReportFilePath Condition=" $(SonarCompileErrorLog) != '' AND $([System.IO.File]::Exists($(SonarCompileErrorLog))) == 'true' " Include="$(SonarCompileErrorLog)" /> and add the following line to the same item group: <SonarReportFilePath Condition=" $(SonarResharperErrorLog) != '' AND $([System.IO.File]::Exists($(SonarResharperErrorLog))) == 'true' " Include="$(SonarResharperErrorLog)" />

    After invoking dotnet build ..., the ReSharper sonar reports will be taken into account.

  • [Preferred] Specify --sonar-dir option and provide the path to the .sonarqube directory created after dotnet sonarscanner begin... This will modify the necessary files sent to SonarQube / SonarCloud without any manual work.

    Note: This requires the solution/project to be built before running ReSharper's analysis. This is the preferred option, because otherwise for complex projects, there might be false positives. This is used with the Roslyn output format only.

    dotnet-reqube -i ResharperReport.xml -o "<ProjectName>.ReSharper.RoslynCA.json" -f Roslyn
                  --sonar-dir ".sonarqube"

Exclude rules

Most of the times, it's better to use .sln.DotSettings to control which rules to be used during a ReSharper's analysis. Some times however it's more convinient to filter them as part of dotnet-reqube. Or in the case of CSharpErrors, this is the only option, since they cannot be filtered using DotSettings.

The format is: <type id>[##<message regex>]|<type id>[##<message regex>]...


dotnet-reqube -i ResharperReport.xml -o "<ProjectName>.dll.ReSharper.RoslynCA.json" -f Roslyn 
              --exclude-rules "CSharpErrors##Themodifier 'public'.*|UnusedMemberInSuper.Global|NotAccessedField.Global"


Example project that shows how you can import ReSharper issues to SonarQube using the dotnet-reqube https://github.com/olsh/resharper-to-sonarqube-example