
system_r is a simply-typed lambda calculus with parametric polymorphism, written in Rust with minimal dependencies; Originally forked from lazear/types-and-programming-languages, it hosts further enhancements to make it suitable for wider use

Primary LanguageRustOtherNOASSERTION


An extension of the simply typed lambda calculus with parametric polymorphism (known more-widely as "System F"). Forked from a reasonably complete base implementation, originally provided in the 06_system_f and util crates from lazear/types-and-programming-languages the lexer, parser, type_checker, and eval-based interpreter have been extended to support wider use, as defined by subsequent contributors.

Consult the gherkin specs in the /specs/features directory for more on system_r's capabilities, embedding, etc.

From original README:

system_f contains a parser, typechecker, and evaluator for the simply typed lambda calculus with parametric polymorphism (System F). The implementation of System F is the most complete so far, and I've tried to write a parser, typechecker and diagnostic system that can given meaningful messages


The git repository is a Rust workspace containing multiple folders/crates:

  • /system_r (system_r crate): core implementation crate of lex/parse -> type_checker; all terms/kinds/types, dialect API contract, etc defined here
  • /eval (system_r_eval crate): implementation + testing interface for interpreter-based evaluation of a BottomDialect system_r term
  • /dialects (system_r_dialects crate): contrib-style additional extension dialects for system_r
  • /specs (system_r_specs crate): cucumber/gherkin-style features+test steps+state; depends upon all crates above

pre-commit ritual:

  • cargo fmt && cargo clippy && cargo test


This project is licensed under either of

at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in system_r by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.


All changes are copyright the contributors