
SpiderMonkey-based JavaScript platform

Primary LanguageC++OtherNOASSERTION


...is a JavaScript platform (ala node.js, narwhal, the browser, etc) that targets multiuser, rich media applications. It is released under the "Simplified", 2-clause BSD License.

It is, at its core:

  • A hybrid native/JavaScript platform, comprised of one-or-more Workers
  • Workers are shared-nothing, isolated JavaScript VMs
  • SpiderMonkey (that other JavaScript engine) is the library used for JS execution
  • Each Worker runs in its own OS thread, like:
    • One Worker blocking the main thread and managing the overall process lifecycle
    • Zero-or-more additional Workers running on separate threads, as needed
  • Communication between Workers via a JSON-based, asynchronous message passing scheme
  • All messages originate from a Worker to another known Worker, like:
    1. Worker-A subscribes to a message via a string URI, providing a callback to handle messages for that URI
    2. Worker-B (who may actually be Worker-A) publishes a JSON message for Worker-A (by it's unique identifier) and the same URI
    3. Worker-A gets the message and processes it (using the supplied callback), eventually, in addition to any other work it may be doing
  • Consequently, spawning order is important and natural parent/child hierarchies will form
  • Each Worker is completely synchronous (and single-threaded) within the context of its own lifetime

You also get:

  • CoffeeScript as a first class language (and vanilla ECMAScript 5.1, as well)
  • Bindings for 2D graphics and keyboard/mouse input using the SFML v2 library (sugs-richclient)
  • 2D, rigid body physics via the Chipmunk Game Dynamics engine (currently in sugs-core as the ChipmunkPhysicsComponent, soon to broken into its own lib)

A tad more on Workers (and Components):

  • The Worker abstraction encapsulates:
    • OS threading
    • An isolated SpiderMonkey JSRuntime* and all the trimmings
    • An in-process, asynchronuos messaging mechanism (innovatively named the MessageExchange)
  • Everything else is implemented via Components
  • Components allow a Worker to take on additional capabilities
  • This includes things like:
    • Running a user script (ScriptRunnerComponent)
    • Bindings for various 3rd part libraries (ChipmunkPhysicsComponent, RichClientComponent)
    • General-purpose filesystem access (FilesystemComponent)
  • As hinted at by the examples above, Components serve to both:
    • Embed new capabilities within a Worker besides the defaults (thread asynchronicity, JavaScript-execution and inter-Worker messaging)
    • Provide a way to deliberately compartmentalize/manage those capabilities
  • A Worker's Components are specified at spawn-time

A big list of dependencies

Native libs

  • SpiderMonkey
  • boost
  • SFML
  • Chipmunk

JavaScript Libs

You got a unit testing framework?

Hells yeah, we do. It's called sugs-spec and follows the rather blah but useful Context/Specification format.

Coming soon...

  • Transparent, inter-process/network messaging
    • the existing abstraction ought to scale out with the addition of an onConnect type handler so that the 'receiver' of a new connection can be notified of remote Worker(s) trying to make contact with it
  • A WebGL abstraction, hewing close to existing browser APIs
  • Persistance support (google's leveldb and/or sqlite)
  • Windows and OSX support
    • currently all development is happening in a 64bit Ubuntu VM, but the above-named platforms are intended targets
  • libuv-based event loops for all Workers (we truly are converging on node.js, heh)

Want to know more?

Too bad.