
Rails-inspired generator system that provides scaffolding for your apps

Primary LanguageJavaScript

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Rails-inspired generator system that provides scaffolding for your apps

Getting Started

If you're interested in writing your own Yeoman generator we recommend reading the official getting started guide. The guide covers all the basics you need to get started.

A generator can be as complex as you want it to be. It can simply copy a bunch of boilerplate file, or it can be more advanced asking the user's preferences to scaffold a tailor made project. This decision is up to you.

The fastest way to get started is to use generator-generator, a Yeoman generator to generate a Yeoman generator.

After reading the getting started guide, you might want to read the code source or visit our API documentation for a list of all methods available.


To debug a generator, you can pass Node.js debug's flags by running it like this:

# OS X / Linux
node --debug `which yo` <generator> [arguments]

# Windows
# Find the path to the yo binary
where yo

# Use this path to run it with the debug flag
node --debug <path to yo binary> <generator> [arguments]

Yeoman generators also provide a debug mode to log relevant lifecycle informations. You can activate it by setting the DEBUG environment variable to the desired scope (the scope of the generator system is yeoman:generator).

# OS X / Linux

# Windows
set DEBUG=yeoman:generator


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