
POP3 client for Erlang with SSL support (derived from the original epop package). Major refactoring of POP3 client in May 2018

Primary LanguageErlang

Build Status Hex pm hex.pm downloads


erlpop is a POP3 client library for Erlang. It is derived from the original "epop" Erlang package which includes both a POP server and client.

The original client was heavily refactored, and most of it's code has gone.


{ok, Connection} = epop_client:connect(
    "yourgmail@gmail.com", "password",
    [{addr, "pop.gmail.com"}, {port, 995}, ssl], SocketTimeout).
{ok, EmailsCount} = epop_client:stat(Connection).
{ok, Msg} = epop_client:retrieve(Connection, <<"1">>).
ok = epop_client:quit(Connection).

NOTE: It's important to call epop_client:quit/1 at the end, as it's responsible for closing (tcp/tls) socket.