
This is a Python project that aims to allow users to download images from Imagefap with a single click of a button.

Primary LanguagePython


This is a Python project that aims to allow users to download images from Imagefap with a single click of a button.

Things to look out for:

-Program will download the images into autocreated folder ./gallery_id where the program is storred...

-If there are any types of naming conflicts the program will add a random 7 digits to its name. EG: Let Gallery A contain File named "Alpha.jpg" Let Gallery B contain File named "Alpha_1234567.jpg" too

Step 1: To begin, you need python 3 (Tested with Python 3.4.4) You can get it at the official website: https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-344/

Step 2: Once you install Python 3, simply download and run the file "DownloadTest4.py", prefferably by right clicking on the file and pressing "Edit with IDLE" A new window will pop up.

Step 3: At the top of the window, press "Run" and then "Run Module" or alternatively press the "F5" key on your keyboard.

Step 4: You should be preompted with: Enter the Gallery Urls: (Press Enter TWICE to continue.) Under this text paste the Imagefap gallery URL and press enter to submit.

Step 5: Repeat Step 4 as many times as you wish. Press Enter TWICE to continue.

----Warning! Be careful to paste valid urls and to write "Break" with no spelling mistakes or the program might crash!

Step 7: Enjoy the download.