Cake is a minimalist JavaScript library that parses, validates, manipulates, and displays strings for modern browsers and Node with comfortable modern API.
- 🕒 Quick and accurate
- 💪 Type, Static methods, Standalone functions
- 🔥 Chainable (when using as Type)
- 📦 5kb mini library (gzip), 35kb - full
- 👫 All browsers, Electron, NodeJS supported
<script src="cake.js"></script>
For NodeJS or use with Webpack or modern JS
npm install @olton/cake --save
It's easy to use String APIs to parse, validate, manipulate, and display strings. You can find for more details, API, and other docs on DOCUMENTATION.
For bug reports, documentation typos or feature requests feel free to create an issue. Please make sure that the same problem wasn't reported already.
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Cake is licensed under a MIT license.
During the development of Cake, the best practices were used:
- voca by Dmitry Pavluhin
- sprintf by Alexandru Mărășteanu