Project Description

This app is for training and tracking progress.


  • Welcome screen, registration and authorization with the ability to save intermediate progress.
  • Home page with the ability to find out your weight index, the ability to select the date of the workout, the name of the workout and exercises with their own details, and a multifunctional calendar.
  • Workout detail page with the ability to track progress.
  • Notification Page.
  • Profile page with user information and statistics, with the ability to log out of the profile.


  • React JS.
  • TypeScript.
  • SCSS module.
  • Axios.
  • Redux toolkit + Redux-persist.
  • Fullcalendar and react-date-picker.
  • React-router-dom v6.
  • React-hook-form.
  • Classnames, uuid, priettier, craco.
  • Deploy with github-pages.


  • Clone the repository to your computer.
  • Install dependencies using the command npm install.
  • Start the application using the command npm run dev.


For any inquiries or support, please contact Oleg Melekh at