An unofficial Flutter plugin that wraps pusher-websocket-java on Android and pusher-websocket-swift on iOS. This is a continued plugin for Flutter Pusher Client
This package lets you consume events from a Pusher server. In order to use this library, you need to have a free account on After registering, you will need the application credentials for your app.
NOTE This package requires json_annotation : ^4.0.0
- Add to your pubspec.yaml
laravel_flutter_pusher: ^0.0.4
import 'package:laravel_flutter_pusher/laravel_flutter_pusher.dart';
void main() {
var options = PusherOptions(
host: '',
port: 6001,
encrypted: false,
cluster: 'eu'
LaravelFlutterPusher pusher = LaravelFlutterPusher('app_key', options, enableLogging: true);
.bind('event', (event) => log('event =>' + event.toString()));
Connection to the server can be delayed, so set the lazyConnect prop on the client constructor.
If you have enabled code obfuscation with R8 or proguard, you need to add the following rule.
buildTypes {
release {
minifyEnabled true
proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''
-keep class com.github.olubunmitosin.laravel_flutter_pusher.** { *; }
Generate the models and the factories: flutter packages pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs