
A list of all links shared in the Andela BootCamp cycle 44

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A list of all links shared in the Andela BootCamp cycle 44 slack channel

Andela links

  1. Best Practices Wiki
  2. Git naming conventions and best practices

Legal matters

  1. Laws on Rape: What Every Nigerian should know - LawPàdí

DOM Manipulation

  1. Javascript and the DOM - Udacity


  1. Sending emails using Node.js and SendGrid


  1. Actual uses of ES6 WeakMaps - SO
  2. JavaScript reference on MDN
  3. ES6 - Udacity
  4. How to simplify your codebase with map(), reduce(), and filter() in JavaScript

Version Control

  1. Version control with Git - Udacity
  2. How to use Git and Github - Udacity
  3. Feature Branches and Pull Requests : Walkthrough

Project management

  1. User stories template
  2. Same template in a markdown file
  3. How (and why) to write great User Stories

Site Performance

  1. GTmetrix


  1. 60 CSS Arrows
  2. Give n Go
  3. Responsive Web Design Basics
  4. SVG Illustrations
  5. Images - Unsplash
  6. Google Fonts
  7. Fontawesome Icons

Node js and express

  1. Using babel 7 with Node
  2. Test-Driven Development with Node.js and Express
  3. My Node.js setup (Mocha and Chai, Babel7, ES6)
  4. How to use Node's debug module on (Windows)? - SO
  5. The definitive Node.js handbook
  6. Example Node Server w/ Babel
  7. Google drive books collection
  8. Securing Node.js RESTful APIs with JSON Web Tokens
  9. Using dotenv package to create environment variables
  10. Sending an email using NodeMailer & Gmail
  11. Setting up a RESTful API with Node.js and PostgreSQL


  1. How to Deploy ES6 Node.js & Express back-end to Heroku


  1. What is a Restful API - YouTube


  1. Http verbs demystified, PATCH, PUT and POST
  2. HTTP Status codes
  3. 400 vs 422 response to POST of data - SO

Writing and documentation

  1. Readme guide
  2. Markdown syntax documentation
  3. A Quick Guide to Medium
  4. Write your best with Grammarly
  5. 10 Ways to Improve Your Professional Writing
  6. Adding Swagger To Existing Node.js Project
  7. Splitting your swagger spec into multiple files in a Node project

PostgreSQL and SQL

  1. PostgreSQL download
  2. PgAdmin download
  3. List of SQL commands - CodeAcademy
  4. Don’t install Postgres. Docker pull Postgres


  1. Testing with mocha
  2. Testing Node.js with mocha and chai
  3. Chai.js cheatsheet
  4. Test a Node RESTful API with Mocha and Chai
  5. Getting to 99.9% test coverage with Mocks, Stubs & Spies
  6. Sinon Tutorial: JavaScript Testing with Mocks, Spies & Stubs


  1. Javascript Daily


  1. JSON Generator
  2. Octotree
  3. cross-env from npm
  4. Password Reset Using JWT
  5. The differences between Object.freeze() vs Const in JavaScript