- 2
pyfcm.errors.FCMServerError: FCM server error: Unexpected status code 500. The server might be temporarily unavailable.
#363 opened by wogno - 3
- 16
- 0
Timeout for OAuth2 Ignored in notify Method
#361 opened by ehsanr1366 - 2
- 3
Result does not return success or failed
#347 opened by ak84513 - 1
cannot support to send custom sound
#356 opened by islombeknv - 2
- 1
- 1
Python 3.12 support
#353 opened by mSiotniHS - 1
- 1
Error: Cannot run the event loop while another loop is running when using async_notify_multiple_devices
#348 opened by tranvannhat - 1
- 1
exceptions must derive from BaseException
#344 opened by LawrenceK - 2
- 1
removed parameters of the notify API
#342 opened by sgserg - 6
push notification doesn't work in pyfcm 2.0.2
#333 opened by almaz1213 - 6
Migrate from legacy FCM APIs to HTTP v1
#325 opened by jhonsoto-aflore - 0
Access token not refreshed in notify
#334 opened by Niccari - 1
- 2
Default priority should be normal, not high
#309 opened by c4talyst - 0
How I can send category in "aps" dictionary ?
#317 opened by michzio - 0
async notify_single_device
#314 opened by serpicokhan - 2
How to get registration_id
#305 opened by mahiuddin-dev - 0
Fix async_notify_multiple_devices
#307 opened by maramizo - 0
- 0
what is the role of private and public key
#300 opened by hemanth-reckonsys - 1
- 0
- 10
Will PyFCM be affected by API discontinuance
#313 opened by dwaynez - 8
Any plans for migrating from lagecy HTTP to HTTPv1 ?
#301 opened by davit555 - 0
tests are not working properly
#320 opened by Subhrans - 1
need to include new requirements in
#326 opened by jerryz1982 - 1
Badge is not updated if the app is open
#284 opened by iremsha - 1
Add EMOJI in title
#306 opened by ChaitanyaYeole02 - 2
- 1
Can't import module
#286 opened by kryptonn - 4
Python SSL recursion error -> super(SSLContext, SSLContext).options.__set__(self, value) requests: RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded
#274 opened by mm360x - 0
Campaign Id is null
#275 opened by DamianGwirc - 4
Questions about send bulk messages and timeout
#277 opened by yurabysaha - 0
Badge for chunk
#278 opened by iremsha - 6
- 1
- 1
Receiving FCM notifications
#298 opened by yaroslaff - 0
- 2
Being explicit about your versioning strategy
#285 opened by lukeburden - 1
Unable to add "subtitle" for an iOS push
#276 opened by arthur-stpnv - 1
Confusion AUTHORS.rst
#272 opened by alexsukhrin - 1
Add in project
#269 opened by alexsukhrin - 1
Update .gitignore in project
#270 opened by alexsukhrin