
A minimalist publish-subscribe protocol

Primary LanguagePython


A minimalist publish-subscribe protocol


  • Python 3.6+


  • Start the PubSub service first by running pub_sub_service.py. Don't forget to change the host-port tuple of the address to match your spec.

  • Create a pub_sub client: c = PubSub(host='localhost', port=8008)

  • Add a callback function to run whenever a message is received (The function should take only one argument -> the received message):

   def custom_callback(message):
       print(f"I, {message}, am the received message)
  c.message_callback = custom_callback
  • Subscribe to a topic (or a list of topics): c.subscribe("foo"); c.subscribe(["foo", "bar", "eggs"])

  • Unsubscribe from a topic or list of topics: c.unsubscribe("foo"); c.unsubscribe(["foo", "bar", "eggs"])

  • Publish a message to a specific topic (currently, only bytes and strings are supported as messages): c.publish("spam", "I am a pub-sub message"); c.publish("eggs", bytes.fromhex("7E04087E"))

Future Updates

  • Wildcard Topic subscription (like the standard MQTT)
  • Clean-up of non-active sockets on the main pub_sub_service(.py)