Solutions and explanation of Binary Forthleq Calculus and 3rd Reverse Engineering competition

Primary LanguageC

Binary Forthleq Calculus

My solutions to the 3rd esolangs reverse engineering contest, and their explanation, inspired by a similar writeup by the previous winner.


The point of the event was to understand the language BFC defined by its implementation (here in work/bfc_og.c) and implement in it solutions to six challenges:

  1. Create a cat program that terminates on end of file.
  2. Decode the work/hint.bin file and make a program that prints its contents.
  3. Create a program that prints the first n primes, reading n from the user, where n < 2000.
  4. Write a non-empty quine.
  5. Create a brainfuck interpreter. No restrictions are imposed on the implementation details.
  6. Pick a Turing-complete stack-based esoteric language. Implement its compiler that targets Binary Forthleq Calculus in BFC.

This tasks wouldn't be too hard in a practical programming language, but BFC was designed to be opaque, impose unnecessary restrictions on the program and then obfuscated into a neat square of unreadable C code.

I'll explain my solutions in order: cat, brainfuck, primes, compiler and quine. This will allow me to introduce certain concepts one by one. I won't be talking about the hint, as I didn't manage to decode it during the contest, and when decoded printing it would be trivial.

You can see all files that came as a result of me solving these challenges in the work folder in this repository. I will be linking to them often from this document.

The preprocessor

The main hardship when it comes to writing BFC programs is convincing the interpreter to even attempt execution. Before anything happens a preprocessor scans the whole program for digits, converts them to ones and zeros based on their parity and runs as a Binary Lambda Calculus program. That program must output itself as well as parity of all characters in the program.

What this actually means is that all digits in the file must follow a specific pattern of odd/even, and the pattern must be adjusted based on the parity of all characters in the program.

I ended up finding one sequence of bits that produces a valid output and some parity bit and just adjusted the parity of my programs to match that one sequence. You will see all my programs ending with a wall of digits just to satisfy the preprocessor, and they always follow the same odd/even pattern.

Working around the preprocessor

Once you found a working bit pattern like the one in work/quine.blc you are basically set. The rule of thumb is to never use digits in identifiers, since those must be written exactly the same way every time. This leaves only the numbers to take care of. They are parsed using C's atoi function, which parses only as long as it has digits and then retrns. This means that we can just put some non-digit character and anything in the same word will be ignored. For example here are some words that would be interpreted as the same numbers:

0 == .0 == 0. == 000.2137 == 0asdf == . (if . is not a defined word)
21 == 00021 == 21.37 == 21as8f0s9

This gives us a lot of leeway in terms of matching numbers in our program to a target parity pattern. Let's take for example pattern 001011101101011011 and program : funi 50 emit 49 emit 51 emit 55 emit ;. The only thing that would need adjustment to match this program with the pattern are numbers, and one possible matching would look like this:

: funi 0050.111 emit 49.1010 emit 51 emit 055 emit ;
       0010 111      01 1010      11      011

You can see that the parity of digits is in the desired pattern, but numbers in the program retained their original value. The only concern is running out of the pattern, but in practice the pattern is large enough that this doesn't happen.

Examples in further sections will ignore the preprocessor since working around it is trivial.


The main execution loop of BFC, as the name suggests, is heavily inspired by Forth: there's a stack of integers, there's a block of memory accessible to the program, and builtin method for defining new words which end up forming a linked list dictionary.

Just like Forth it makes a distinction between compiled words, which when read compile a call to their definitions, and immediate words, which when read immediately execute their definitions.


Every program starts by reading the first 13 words and defining them as primitive operations. Here they are in order, with the mnemonics that I used for them, their closes Forth equivalents.

: : : : immediate
Consumes the next word of the program and starts compiling a new definition assigned to that word. By default that definition will be a compiled word.
I : IMMEDIATE : immediate
When written directly after a : definition will change it to compiling an immediate word.
Performs an evaluation step: consumes a word from the program and evaluates it, compiles it or compiles it as a number, based on its definition or lack thereof. If there are no more words in the program terminate execution.
@ : @ : compiled
Consumes an address from the stack and pushes a value from memory at that address.
! : ! : compiled
Consumes an address and a value and sets memory at that address to that value.
- : - : compiled
Subtracts top of stack from second on stack.
* : * : compiled
Multiplies top two numbers on the stack.
/ : / : compiled
Divides second on stack by top of stack.
leq? : 0 <= : compiled
Replaces top of stack with zero if it was positive and one otherwise.
; : ; : compiled
Returns from the function call. Usually ends a definition started with :.
emit : EMIT : compiled
Pushes the top value from the stack to the standard output.
getc : 1 ACCEPT : compiled
Consumes a byte from standard input (not the program!) and pushes it on the stack. Pushes -1 on EOF.
pick : PICK : compiled
Replaces a number on top of stack with a value that deep into the stack. For example 0 pick will duplicate top of the stack, and 1 pick acts as Forth's OVER.

The mnemonics I am using here are not enforced, the language just assigns these meanings to first 13 words of each program. In addition to those primitives any undefined word will be interpreted as a number, and will compile pushing that number on the stack.

Memory initialisation

Zeroth cell of memory contains an allocation pointer which indicates how much of memory is taken. The first cell acts as the return stack pointer and keeps the position of the top of the stack of return addresses. Second cell must be zero at all times.

These are followed by empty unused cells perfect for variables, up until cell 32 where definitions of the primitives are stored, occupying space up to cell 84. Between the definitions on cells 41-44 sits code responsible for the main execution loop.

Finally all of this is capped by 512 cells of the return stack (data stack is separate from memory), and the allocation pointer starts pointing to cell 597 where program can start allocating its own memory up to cell 59999.

Low level execution loop

Execution follows an instruction pointer which starts on cell 43, the code responsible for the main execution loop. On each execution step the following happens:

  1. Value pointed to by the IP is interpreted as an addres of an opcode.
  2. IP gets incremented.
  3. The action associated with the opcode is executed.
  4. Repeat.

Possible opcodes range from 0 to 15. Opcodes 3 to 15 correspond to actions of primitives in the order I wrote them above. The rest are:

  1. Push the value pointed to by IP to the return stack and increment IP.
  2. Compile a pointer to just after the opcode.
  3. Push IP to the return stack and jump to just after the opcode.

These are used in code compiled by the primitives, and we will be using them ourselves when the primitives finally turn out to not be enough.

High level execution loop

The system starts by doing a simple loop of opcodes 5 and 2 - consume a word from program and do an appropriate action, and call, in this case the main loop again. This simple loop repeats until it consumes the whole program, and then terminates execution.

Let's look at an example program:

: I Q @ ! - * / leq? ; emit getc pick
: square 0 pick * ;
: main I 7 square emit ;

Use of square in the body of main doesn't execute it but compiles a call to it since square is a compiled word. Use of main calls it because it's an immediate word. The whole program should emit a square of 7: 49, corresponding to an ascii character 1.

In further examples the declaration of 13 primitives will be ommited.


It seems like we have a nice little Forth-like language to play with. The main execution loop has already shown us how to do loops, so let's try a simpler challenge: cat that loops forever:

: cat getc emit cat ;
: main I cat ; main

This should work, and if we start testing it it will for some time, but on a sufficiently large input it will segfault. Looping with recursion has an unfortunate sideeffect of filing up the return stack and overflowing to other memory. This is an easy fix though: at no point do we actually return from anything, so we don't need the return stack. We can keep resetting the return stack pointer to its initial position at 85:

: cat; getc emit 85 1 ! cat;
: main I cat; main

This gives us a working infinite cat, but we still need to terminate on EOF, which is -1. There aren't really any conditional jumps available to us in the opcodes, and the only jumps we have are call and return. This gives me an excuse to try out an approach I've only seen theorised about: conditional returns.

Conditional return

A return compiled by ; jumps execution to the address pointed to by the first cell of memory: the return stack pointer (RSP). Making a conditional return only requires manipulating the pointer.

Let's take a look at an example program, and how the return stack, RSP, and instruction pointer look when executing ?ret:

: ?ret ??? ;
: inner stuff ?ret stuff ;
: outer stuff inner stuff ;

IP = inside ?ret


      0        1      ...        RSP - 1          RSP         ...
+-----------+-----+- - - - -+--------------+--------------+- - - -
| alloc ptr | RSP |   ...   | resume outer | resume inner |   ...
+-----------+-----+- - - - -+--------------+--------------+- - - -

When ?ret returns it will resume whatever the RSP is pointing to, so all we need to do to make a conditional return is either reduce RSP by 1 or not. This fits nicely with the fact that BFC's comparison operator leq? returns a zero or a one.

: ?ret 1 @ - -1 * 1 ! ;

We end up with a function that takes one argument, fetches the RSP, subtracts the argument from it*, and stores the result back in RSP. As long as the argument is 0 or 1 it will work as we want it to.

*Actually it subtracts RSP from argument, and then multiplies by -1 to correct for that.

Terminating cat

With just one more convenience word we get what should be a fully funcitonal cat:

: dup 0 pick ;
: ?ret 1 @ - -1 * 1 ! ;
: cat; getc dup -1 - leq? ?ret emit 85 1 ! cat;
: main I cat;

While it takes input and produces output as expected it segfaults instead of exiting clearly. Let's examine why that happens.

When ?ret finally succeeds it exits the instance of cat; that called it out to whatever called cat;. If that was the first iteration then it exits to main, in which case no return stack jumping was done yet and we can simply return from main to the main execution loop which will safely consume the rest of the program and exit. The other possiblity is that it returns from a recursive call, in which case the return stack has been reset with 85 1 ! and we can't just return to the main execution loop anymore. Fortunately we know that after main is called the rest or the program is just a big string of ones and zeros to satisfy the preprocessor, so we can manually consume it, and try consuming another word to terminate the program:

: dup 0 pick ;
: ?ret 1 @ - -1 * 1 ! ;
: cat; getc dup -1 - leq? ?ret emit 85 1 ! cat; Q Q
: main I cat; ;

The full program is available in solutions/cat.bfc. My actual solution that I submitted is crude and includes some concepts that I'll talk about in later solutions, but you can see it in work/cat.bfc.


Despite this being the penultimate challenge I believe it's actually the second simplest. Compared to cat it will mostly involve the same concepts, but in a more complex setting. The plan is to read the input saving brainfuck commands and ignoring anything else until ;, then execute the brainfuck code with a simple state machine.


Let's start by defining some helper words that will be used across the program.

First a pair of return stack resetting words. We already know that looping will build up the return stack, so periodically resetting its height will be useful. We also need the immediate version because the main execution loop also fills up the stack and can overflow on a long enough program, so we will occasionally sprinkle it between definitions. In addition to what it did in cat it now also has to correctly return, so it carries the top of return stack with it.

: reset 1 @ @ 85 1 ! 85 ! ;
: | I 1 @ @ 85 1 ! 85 ! ;

We will want some additional stack shuffling words to move data around easier:

: dup 0 pick ;
: over 1 pick ;
: swap 3 ! 4 ! 3 @ 4 @ ;
: drop 0 * - ;
: nip swap drop ;

Another useful thing will be to be able to compare values. Notice how in = multiplication is used as logical and:

: <= - leq? ;
: >= swap <= ;
: = - dup leq? swap -1 * leq? * ;

Addition is another useful operation not provided by BFC:

: + -1 * - ;

We'll see that it's usually more useful to conditionally return when the condition is false, so let's add a leq? to the start of the ?ret:

: ?ret leq? 1 @ - -1 * 1 ! ;

Let's also get ourselves ,: a word taken from Forth that compiles a single value, which means it appends it to the allocated memory, moving the allocation pointer forward. We will use it to store the loaded program.

: , 0 @ ! 0 @ 1 + 0 ! ;

    0        ...     AP-1    AP    AP+1     ...
+--------+- - - - -+------+------+------+- - - - -
|   AP   |   ...   | data | null | null | null...
+--------+- - - - -+------+------+------+- - - - -
    |                        |
    v                        v

    0        ...     AP-1    AP    AP+1     ...
+--------+- - - - -+------+------+------+- - - - -
| AP + 1 |   ...   | data | data | null | null...
+--------+- - - - -+------+------+------+- - - - -

Loading the program

To distinguish between brainfuck commands and comments we will have to recognise these ASCII values:

+ - > < , . [ ] ;
43 45 62 60 44 46 91 93 59

Let's start by defining a stopping condition, that is: check for a semicolon. If it happens we compile an additional 0 and jump to a brainfuck execution loop:

: ;? dup 59 = ?ret drop 0 , exec-loop;

Another case is when we got an actual brainfuck command. Then we should compile it and move on. Here addition and multiplication are used as logical or and and for the conditions.

: bf-com?
  dup 43 >= over 46 <= *
  over 62 = + over 60 = +
  over 91 = + over 93 = +
  ?ret dup , ;

Our loading loop now is simply to get a byte, maybe terminate loading, maybe compile it, drop it, reset the return stack and repat:

: load-program; getc ;? bf-com? drop reset load-program;

Executing simple commands

Our program will be manipulating the brainfuck state: the instruction pointer stored on the stack, the data pointer stored in cell 0 of memory and the brainfuck tape stored in the leftover memory after loading the program.

Command handlers will expect the instruction pointer on the stack and only activate when the command is correct.

: +? dup @ 43 = ?ret 0 @ @ 1 + 0 @ ! ;
: -? dup @ 45 = ?ret 0 @ @ 1 - 0 @ ! ;
: >? dup @ 62 = ?ret 0 @ 1 + 0 ! ;
: <? dup @ 60 = ?ret 0 @ 1 - 0 ! ;
: ,? dup @ 44 = ?ret getc 0 @ ! ;
: .? dup @ 46 = ?ret 0 @ @ emit ;

Executing looping commands

At this point we need to introduce a new piece of state: a skip counter, stored in cell 5. When it's above one it means we are not executing the program but skipping over commands between [ and ]. We will have two separate interpretation branches, one for each of the modes of interpretation.

To facilitate jumping backward we will leave addresses of entered blocks on the stack so no complicated backtracking logic is required.

: [-true? 0 @ @ 0 = leq? ?ret dup ;
: [-false? 0 @ @ 0 = ?ret 5 @ 1 + 5 ! ;
: [? dup @ 91 = ?ret [-true? [-false? ;

: ]-true? 0 @ @ 0 = leq? ?ret drop dup ;
: ]-false? 0 @ @ 0 = ?ret nip ;
: ]? dup @ 93 = ?ret ]-true? ]-false? ;

We will also need handlers for [ and ] in skipping mode, because they will increase or decrease the skip couner.

: [-skip? dup @ 91 = ?ret 5 @ 1 + 5 ! ;
: ]-skip? dup @ 93 = ?ret 5 @ 1 - 5 ! ;

With all command handlers done we can finally build the brainfuck execution loop.

Brainfuck execution loop

First branch of the loop will handle execution mode, where commands are executed as normal. It will have to check for the skip mode, and it will reset the skip counter if it's one, which I will explain later.

: exec?
  5 @ 1 <= ?ret 0 5 !
  +? -? >? <? ,? .? [? ]? ;

Skipping mode branch is significantly simpler:

: skip? 5 @ 1 >= ?ret [-skip? ]-skip? ;

And the main loop ties it all together:

: finished? dup @ leq? ?ret Q Q
: exec-loop; finished? exec? skip? 1 + reset exec-loop;

finish? will trigger on the 0 compiled by ; and, just like in cat, attempt to consume two words and terminate.

Now we can finaly write our main entry point, which sets up the initial instruction pointer:

: main I 0 @ load-program; main

The whole solution is in solutions/brainfuck.bfc, and once again, it's significantly different from my actual solution in work/frainbuck.bfc.

Why does skip counter work?

If you were paying close attention you may have noticed that the skip counter is not exactly a nesting counter. While it's incremented on [ and decremented on ] it starts by being incremented twice: once by [-false? in exec? and once by [-skip? in skip?. A value of 1 for the skip counter signifies a transition between states. If skip? is entered with skip counter of 1 it will immediately increment it to 2, because the program must be looking at a [ command. Then after all matching brackets are found the skip counter gets back to 1, and exec? notices it and sets it back to 0, resuming normal execution.