
This is the Source Code for the Orionbot in CPP.


All the files you need to download are in the main Branch of the GitHub. All you need to do is to is to download the ZIP file. Then choose which Version of the Code you want to use. In the "examples" folder there will be multiple other Versions for the bot with more enhanced Features, just download the one you desire! If you want to go for Stability, download the code.cpp file in the Root Directory!

Installing the Library

Save the ZIP file to a folder you'll remember. Then, open Arduino IDE. Go to the "Sketch" tab and click on "Include Library" and "Add .ZIP Library...". Then, in the File Explorer open Prompt, choose the ZIP file downloaded from the Repository.

Checking if the Library is installed

If you want to make sure the Library is correctly installed, go to the "File" tab on the top left and click on "Examples". Then, scroll down until you are at the "Custom Libraries" tab. Hovering over MakeBlockDrive should reveal a ton of options for the MakeBlockDrive Library. If they don't, try reinstalling the Library.

Using the Code

If you want to use the code provided in the GitHub, follow this Section:

  • Open the code.cpp (or whichever version you downloaded) File with any Text or Code Editor
  • Copy the entire Code using ctrl A (cmd A) and ctrl C (cmd C)
  • In a new Project in the Arduino IDE, make sure you have selected the correct Port and Board
  • Then, paste the Code inside the empty Project
  • Click on the Upload button and watch the Robot move!

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