
Chinese-Word-Segmentation using wang2vec embeddings

Primary LanguagePython

Model Architecture


Implemented a state-of-the-art word segmenter model in Tensorflow/Keras using Chinese characters. The image below shows the summary of this project, the input, and the corresponding output. The BIES format is a way to encode the output of a word segmenter model. There are 4 classes the model has to predict.

Example in the English world

Input: This is a NLP project AND Output: BIIE BE S BIE BIIIIIE

  • B means Beginning of a word
  • I mean In the middle of a word
  • E means End of a word
  • S means single, more examples of this are ".", "a", "," etc.

Dataset Description

I made use of the datasets which can be downloaded here. The full dataset contains four smaller datasets:

  • AS (Traditional Chinese)
  • CITYU (Traditional Chinese)
  • MSR (Simplified Chinese)
  • PKU (Simplified Chinese) Note that you are responsible to convert the Traditional Chinese datasets to Simplified Chinese by Installing HanziConv and run the following command: hanzi-convert -s infile > outfile

Repository skeleton

- code               # this folder contains all the code related to this project
- resources          # this folder contains the best saved model and its weights 
- README.md          # this file
- Homework_2_nlp.pdf # the slides for the course homework instruction
- report.pdf         # my report which basically analyzed the code and the results obtained.

Link to paper - (https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/D18-1529/)