One of the limitation of word embeddings is the meaning conflation deficiency, which arises from representing a word with all its possible meanings as a single vector. This project is one step to address this; representation of meanings. Given a corpus, we will train a Word2Vec model to obtain its lemma_synsetID given a context of words.
I made use of the compulsory Eurosense corpus and Trainomatic dataset using just the english sentences, there were many inconsistencies found in the corpus which I cleaned up. For nomenclature, babelnetIDs will be represented as bnIDs in this section.
Word and sense embeddings can be evaluated using word similarities algorithms. I explored the cosine similarity measure according to the slide and also the gensim similarity function, both gave same results. To penalize words not found in embeddings vocabulary against [the WordSimilarity-353 8.4 annotated score, I used a cosine similarity score of -1 instead of skipping them. Eventually, each cosine score of senses found from my embeddings and the annotated scores(gold) were eventually used to compute my spearman rank score.
- code # this folder contains all the code related to this project
- resources
|__ embeddings.vec # this file contains the sense embeddings from our trained model
- # this file
- Homework_2_nlp.pdf # the slides for the course homework instruction
- report.pdf # my report which basically analyzed the code and the results obtained.