
🌍 Search Interactive Mind Maps to learn anything

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The image above is an interactive mind map that can be viewed and explored as well as searched through. 🔎

When you click on any of the nodes in it, it will show you the best step by step guides you can use to learn the subject in depth.

Just search for what you wish to learn. Nodes with 🗺 let you travel to other mind maps.

If you think that there is a better way one can learn the subject or you wish something was added or you found a mistake, you can help improve it. Just click on the 🦄 and say what you wish was added or changed.

The search engine is fully open source and you can help improve it. 💙

The main goal of this project is to expose human knowledge in a visual and structured way to accelerate learning. 🚀

Both this project and the search engine is in active development. If you want to help improve it in any way or want to join an ever growing community of learners, you can join our active Slack group where you can either help with expanding content of the mind maps, help with the development and adding features to the Search Engine or create a study group for any branch in the mind map and learn together.

You can also read through our development blog which outlines all the problems we are trying to solve to make the Search Engine and Mind Map curation as best as it can be.

We use Twitter to announce new things like new queries that were added, blog articles that were written and more. 🐦

There are many ways in which you can help. But before you do, it is best to read why we created this search engine and what problems we are trying to solve. You can also join our Slack group as that is where all communication regarding this project takes place.

You can then read our article that goes over all the different ways in which you can contribute to this project. 💙

We wrote an article outlying all the steps we hope to take to make this dream of making a community powered Search Engine and Mind Maps come true.

This project is built by the community, for the community and in our goals to make the most efficient path and the best user experience possible in exploring the mind maps and finding the resources you need, we can only rely on donations made by our users to sustain this project.

We do not want to put any advertisements nor do we want to put any sponsored content in this Search Engine as that would defeat our vision of making the best and most optimal learning tracks for learning any topic in the world.

We have created a Patreon page where you can support this work, if you wish. Any donation that you make to this project is greatly appreciated and we also have some awesome rewards that come with your support.

Thank you. 💚

There is also a list of books, free courses, research papers, blogs, user curated flashcards, interesting humans, command line tools, podcasts, alfred workflows and images you can take a look at and help improve. 💚

Stay in touch 📮

Aside from the active slack group and Twitter, there is also a small newsletter that you can sign up for to get short emails with updates on this project as well as our own reddit subreddit where you can talk and share your discoveries or ask questions.

Fun fact. 💡 This project started off as a single mind map but it grew too big.

Ask 💬

If you have some specific questions about this project. I would love to hear them and you can ask them either in our slack group or in my GitHub ama. You can also view past questions that I have answered.

Join our team 🚀

Join our Slack channel and we can discuss ideas together and work on making this vision of visualising and structuring all of world's knowledge a reality.

Current Team

Nikita Voloboev

Oversees curation of mind maps

Curated the entire index of all the mind maps up until this point + helps with making search the best it can be

Angelo Gazzola

Lead Web Developer

Created a complete and working version of the Search Engine + our own mind map render system as React Component

Thank you 💙

  • to MindNode who created the application that makes this all possible and for providing the incredible web service to share these mind maps
  • to all the people who contributed to this project and this vision of liberating and visualising knowledge in this unique way